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Becoming a mother here in Chicago is the last thing I thought would happen when Brian dragged us here. But then I’m sure he didn’t see the dire future that lay ahead of him as well. Fate took hold and everything changed for all of us. I took over the pack, and actually managed to find a way to keep everyone happy as well. They all love it here.

The connections that were made between members of my pack and this one have only blossomed and grown over time. Some of the women in my pack have also started hooking up with members of other packs. But they are Mason’s allies, so it’s all fine.

Living here on Mason’s compound around his mansion has surprisingly been the best thing for all of us. I can’t get over how happy we all are here. Sure, there are dramas from time to time. This is Mason’s pack after all. I don’t know if he’ll be able to stay out of trouble forever, but nothing has affected me or Kai and that’s what I love best. The fact that none of us have had to face anything drastic anymore. Life is calm. Life is perfect.

Mason, Adam, Cain, and Sledge do everything that they can to make sure that my life is as peaceful as humanly possible. Especially now that I’m pregnant with the twins.

“Do you want to go fishing?” Mason asks Kai, already knowing what the answer will be. Those two bond over outdoor activities all the time. It’s so cute. “Yeah? Come on then.”

I laugh to myself as I watch them leave to the edge of Mason’s ever-expanding property where there is a lake for them to fish and boat in, or whatever they do there. I would join them, but I’m getting ever closer to my due date, and I’m massive now. I’m much better off sitting on this chair right outside the front door, stroking my belly and playing with my necklace. I’m still grateful things didn’t escalate, and the necklace wasn’t destroyed in some blood thirsty battle. No one could be sure that it would take the wolf out of me, but like I said at the time, I would never want to risk it. I wouldn’t want to lose that part of me.

I can be an alpha and we can get along, so what does it matter anyway? There’s no need for any more drama, no need to fight or change. We can justbe.

“Hey, did you see Daniella and Mark?” Adam giggles as he takes a seat beside me. “I really think those two need to get a room. They are all over one another all the time. It’s sickening… well, it would be if it wasn’t so damn cute. They aresoin love. It’s mad.”

I laugh, too, and lean my head on Adam’s. God I love being with this man. I love the way he looks at me, like he reallyseesme. I think he understands the parts of me that I don’t get. But he makes it okay, even for the bits of me that I haven’t always liked. His insights are something else. I really wouldn’t be able to live without them now. Or him. Definitely him.

“You’re cute, too,” I remind him. “One of the cutest people I have ever seen in my life.”

“Well, I could say the same about you,” he declares. “You’re the best, Clara.”

“You know how much I love you, right?” I tell him gravely. I know I get a bit heavy sometimes with my feelings, but it feels like it was a roller coaster to get to where we are, and that’s something I will never take for granted. “I love you so freaking much.”

He hooks his hand around the back of my neck. “I love you too, Clara. Every day I’m grateful for the fact that you fought for us. That you made Mason see that we should all be together. I don’t know what my life would be without you, but it sucks to imagine.”

A smile spreads across my face. “Well, that is something we never have to worry about because I’m not going anywhere. Especially not with our family getting bigger.”

Adam bends down and kisses my belly, murmuring to our children. Of course, this time it’s harder for us to know exactly who the father is, but it doesn’t matter. We’re all a family and that’s how we behave. Kai and these children belong to all of us.

I can’t hear exactly what he’s saying, but it doesn’t matter. I know he’s whispering words of love because that’s something he’s taken to doing every single day. It’s adorable.

By the time Adam rises to his feet, Sledge is standing behind him with the most delicious-smelling plate of food ever. My stomach growls, I’m absolutely starving, and IloveSledge’s cooking. I reach forward, greedily taking the plate from him.

“Oh my God, thank you so much!” I cry out, licking my lips as I start to eat. This is Sledge’s favorite way of caring for me, and I love it. “You are the best!”

He grins and takes a seat beside me as Adam catches sight of Mason and Kai heading toward the lake. I can see he’s intrigued by the idea of fishing as well, so off he goes. Going to make Kai’s time even more fun. I love that.

“How are you doing today?” I ask Sledge with my mouth full of food. He knows that this pregnancy has left me hungry all the time, and I can hardly contain myself.

“I’m good.” Sledge cocks his head to one side as he examines me closely. “I’ve been thinking of you a lot today and how well you’re doing. Pregnancy isn’t an easy time, but you carry it so well. It suits you, as does being a mother.”

A heat burns in my cheeks. “Wow, thank you, Sledge, that means a lot to me.”

He takes my hand in his and holds it for a while. A million and one unsaid things float between me and Sledge as we hold on to one another. I can always communicate with him without saying a word, which is awesome. I love that about him, aboutus. I have a different bond with all four men, and that is something I’ll always cherish.

I can see now why the royals from the past loved to have a reverse harem. It’s the best way to have a relationship, honestly. I couldn’t recommend it enough. I have even told Daniella that’s what she should be looking for, but as it turns out, she seems quite happy as she is, wrapped around Mark all the time.

It’s hard to believe that our packs were almost enemies. That we could have torn one another apart. What a mess we managed to avoid. Love trumps hate always.

“How are you feeling anyway?” Sledge asks curiously. “No movement yet? You don’t think the babies are coming today? I’m on watch for you all the time, ready to take care of you, no matter what happens. You know that, right?”

I laugh and nod. “Yeah, I know. You will be the one that I come to first. If I need anything, but I don’t see any sign of the babies coming today. I think we’re fine for a little while longer. Thank you for caring so much about me, Sledge.”

He presses his hand to my tummy and rubs his fingers over my bump. I can see the love shining in his eyes, glowing along with his joy as he holds our babies in the best way he can for the moment. I know he’ll be so excited when he gets to hold them for real, just like he was with Kai. Being a father has been a God send for Sledge. I can see it. It’s given him a purpose that he didn’t even know he needed. It’s so sweet.

“Oh, look at that,” he says as he glances to the left. “I can see Cain.”

Cain’s wolf comes into view, bringing a bright smile to my face. He looks so fierce.
