Page 78 of Canadian Spring

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Dyllan’s phone chimed again from the island, the screen lighting up with his texts. “You went through my phone?”

“No, it lit up when I was standing next to it, and I glanced down. Care to tell me who Andrew is and why you’re flying out next week?” her voice was cold and flat as ice ran through her veins, waiting for his answer.

Dyllan placed his hands on the island, resting his weight on them. “I applied for the private security job. Andrew’s the hiring manager and I’m flying out to Ottawa next week to meet with him.”

The ice in her veins was quickly replaced by raging heat flaring through her body as her stomach dropped to her feet. She knew deep down that’s what it was but hearing it from his mouth gutted her. “What happened to talking to me before making a decision? We’re married, Dyllan. We are a team. How could you just go ahead and do this to me?”

“Do this to you? I’m doing this for you!” Dyllan slammed his fist on the counter and started to pace.

“What does that mean? How can you be doing this for me when I want you here with me, not halfway around the world putting your life at risk!” Skylar didn’t bother hiding her anger as she yelled back.

“You can take that job in Vancouver and do what you love. Can’t you see that I can’t give you that here?”

“I don’t want that; I want you, you big oaf!” Skylar stomped up to him, standing as tall as she could, and stared into his eyes. “I love you. I want to be with you here, in Logan Creek, for whatever life throws at us!”

Dyllan grunted. “You think that’s what you want, but you don’t know.”

“Don’t tell me what I do and don’t want!” She stomped her foot, seething. “You’re not even listening to me. You need to get it through your thick skull that I love you. You. Not what you can do for me or provide for me. I love the big Grumpy Bear that gave me heck for eating too much sugar, and the possessive jerk that didn’t want me wearing my green dress!”

“And I want you to be happy, Skylar! You think you’re happy now, but you don’t know!” He dropped his head to his chest for a moment before looking back up at her, resignation in his eyes. His voice dropped to just above a whisper as he looked at her with heartbreaking sadness. “What happens in a year from now when you regret not taking that job? When you decide that Logan Creek isn’t enough for you? That I’m not enough for you?”

“Why would you possibly think that?” Skylar tentatively placed her hand on his chest. “Have I ever given you a reason to think that could happen?”

“You don’t have to; I know it’s coming.” He looked away from her. She could feel him withdrawing from her. His heart pounded in his chest under her hand, his breathing increased as he took a step back. “I’m getting on that plane to Ottawa next week, and I’m meeting with Andrew. It’s for the best.”

“The best for who? You? Because it sure as hell isn’t the best for me.” Skylar closed her fists at her sides. She wanted to break down the wall he had put up between them. Desperately wanted to show him that they were worth fighting for. That she was worth fighting for.

“It is. You’ll see. It’s best for everyone.”

“I thought you loved me.” No longer able to hold back the tears in her eyes, she let them fall.

He moved to take a step forward, lifting his arm before he caught himself and stood still. “I do love you. That’s why I’m doing this.”

“No! You’re doing this because you’ve convinced yourself you need to be a damn martyr to save the world and I’m telling you you’re wrong! You deserve to be happy, Dyllan. You deserve to be happy here with me!” She yelled through her tears, hoping she could finally get through to him.

“This is where you’re wrong, babydoll. I love you so much that I refuse to let you live your life being unhappy.”

“And who are you to decide what makes me happy?” She yelled. “Don’t I get a say in this? In what makes me happy? In how I want my marriage to be? Don’t forget that you were the one who insisted we stay married.”

“I remember.” He steeled his gaze to her.

“Then why? Make me understand because none of this makes a lick of sense to me!”

“Because eventually we will just end up like my parents and I don’t want that!” Dyllan yelled, his face red as he stared at her.

A number of emotions passed over his face as he stood across the kitchen from her. The heartbroken and sad boy that had to deal with a traumatic divorce. The anger of being put in the middle. She wanted nothing more than to wipe every negative thought or emotion away for him, but she knew she couldn’t do that.

“When are you going to realize that we aren’t your parents?” Her voice displayed a calm she didn’t think she possessed.

“You don’t know that, Skylar! Do you think my parents started out hating each other? No! They started out in love, just like everyone else. But the stresses of life and marriage were too much and look what it did to them!”

“Did you ever ask them what happened?” Skylar asked, crossing her arms over her chest. She tried to remain calm in the midst of Dyllan’s outburst. As much as she wanted to yell and shake him to make him see that they were different.

“No, what was the point?”

“There had to have been a trigger, Dyllan. Something must’ve happened to tear them apart. I highly doubt they just woke up one day hating each other.”

“It doesn’t matter now,” Dyllan turned, bracing himself on the sink as he looked out the window to the backyard.
