Page 7 of Canadian Spring

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“You’re right, I don’t, and I would never pretend to, but that doesn’t mean we can’t worry about you.” Zach placed his hand on Dyllan’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

“Nothing to worry about,” Dyllan huffed, turning his attention back to his table of friends, knocking Zach’s arm off him. Skylar sat at the table, laughing and talking like she belonged in the group.

Maybe she does. Maybe I’m the one that doesn’t fit.

“Whatever you say. But just try not to be a grumpy bear until at least after the wedding. No one wants to be married by someone who looks disgusted by the idea of love.”

“I’m not.” Dyllan turned to his friend, eyebrow raised. “And knock it off with the nickname.”

“Never,” Zach laughed. “But what does any of this have to do with Kade and Brody’s wedding planner?”

“I didn’t know who she was. She was holding up the line ordering half the store in coffee when all I wanted to do was get a cup to wake me up enough to make the drive back here.” He clenched his fists as they rested on the bar.

“Okay, and?”

“And what?” Dyllan barked.

“You got mad at a stranger for ordering coffee in a coffee shop. Are you going to start yelling at my customers for ordering beer in my brewery?” Zach laughed.

“No,” Dyllan scoffed.

“So then, what the fuck is going on?”

“Like I said, I’m just tired. It was a long day driving all the way out to see Deanna and the kids.”

“Fine, but figure it out quickly, or you’ll have a table full of women to deal with if you scare off the wedding planner. Especially with the trip to Vegas coming up,” Zach said as he grabbed the tray of drinks and started back towards the table.

“Fucking Vegas,” Dyllan muttered under his breath. When he’d agreed to go to the bachelor party, he didn’t fully realize what he was getting into. Now that he knew it was co-ed and his little city doll was going to be there, the idea of their weekend away looked even less appealing.

Taking a deep breath, he sighed and pushed himself up from the bar.

Let’s get this fucking night over with.

Chapter Three


“I mean, who does he think he is? Being all gruff and surly like that?” Skylar asked, pacing in the middle of Charmed Bakery.

Kade and Lila stood behind the counter, sipping their coffees, their gazes sliding back and forth as they tracked their friend’s movement.

“It’s one thing to be like that to a stranger in a coffee shop, but something completely different in front of everyone last night. Ugh, that was not the impression I wanted to make to your friends, especially professionally.” Skylar placed her head in her hands as she slumped her shoulders, peeking through her open fingers.

“You made an impression, all right,” Lila snickered.

“Lila!” Kade exclaimed, eyes wide as she held her coffee mug in front of her lips, blocking a shy smile.

“Don’t worry. It’s a good one. Travis thinks you’re hilarious,” Lila continued, a glint of mischief in her eyes, earning a groan from Skylar.

“You’re fine, Skylar,” Kade reassured her. “Honestly, Dyllan’s been acting like that toward everyone for the last couple of months.”

“Now, who’s saying stuff they shouldn’t?” Lila asked, an eyebrow raised at her friend.

“All I’m saying is you should cut him some slack. He’s been going through a lot lately.” Kade gave Skylar a sympathetic smile.

“Slack?” Skylar huffed as she dropped her hands. “Just like the slack he gave me both times I’ve had the misfortune of running into him? No.” Skylar continued her pacing, accepting a maple bacon donut offered by Lila. “Thank you.”

She took a bite, stopping mid-stride, closing her eyes, and moaning. “Lila, these are heaven.”
