Page 4 of Canadian Spring

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“We’ll see.” Skylar narrowed her eyes at her friend.

As long as he wasn’t anything like the rude guy in the coffee shop, she might be able to tolerate him. Maybe.

Chapter Two


Getting back to Logan Creek did nothing to improve Dyllan’s mood. He’d thought that the hours of driving after leaving the city would have helped him clear his mind and emotionally detach from visiting Deanna and the kids, but it didn’t. Every visit got harder, knowing Jax wasn’t there to see it.

Since losing his fellow Army vet during what was supposed to be a routine security detail overseas, he and his other squad brothers had stepped up, visiting and helping his wife and kids when they could. It was nothing against Deanna and the kids. They were fantastic. What made him mad was that Jax had no place being in the Czech Republic protecting someone who most likely didn’t deserve his time, let alone worth Jax giving his life for. But this was what soldiers did.

Pulling his truck into the parking lot of the Logan Creek Brewing Company, he let out a sigh as he stared at the building. This place had become a second home to him. He’d spent so much time here since his friend, Zach, had opened it, but now it didn’t quite hold the same peace for him. His friends were getting married off, leaving him the outsider. While he wasn’t in a rush to settle down himself, there was only so much overt lovey-dovey happiness a man could take.

Sliding out of his truck and thumping his boots up the wooden steps, he made his way into the tasting room, taking a seat on a stool.

“Hey, man. You’re here early,” Zach said as he came up behind the bar, pint glass already in hand. “The usual?”

Dyllan nodded.

“Talkative, as always, I see.” Zach gave his usual lighthearted smile.

Dyllan grunted in response, lifting his chin in thanks as he accepted the beer, taking a sip. He let the crisp, hoppy taste wash over his tongue, giving him the sense of familiarity and comfort he needed.

“Look, man. You need to talk to someone. We’re all worried about you.” Zach picked up a bar towel and started wiping the counter in front of him.

“There’s nothing to be worried about,” he answered gruffly, staring down at the amber liquid.

“Fine.” Zach rested his forearms on the countertop, leaning forward. “But you have to talk to someone. I won’t pretend to know what it’s like losing a friend and then helping his family, but you can’t keep going like this.”

“You’re starting to sound like Travis. You don’t need to psychoanalyze me. I’m fine. Just tired.” Dyllan avoided his friend’s gaze as he took a long pull from his beer.

Zach let out a sigh and straightened. “Fine, just try not to be as much of an asshole tonight. The girls have their friend in town, and we’ve all been warned to ‘be on our best behaviour.’” Zach raised his fingers with air quotes as he rolled his eyes.

Dyllan grunted again as he took another sip of his beer.

“I’ll leave you alone.” Zach made his way down the bar, welcoming a new group and getting drinks flowing.

Staring at the tv above the bar but not really focusing, Dyllan couldn’t stop thinking about his trip to Vancouver. Deanna was adjusting fine, as well as one could be with losing their spouse. What got Dyllan was how much the kids were growing and all the milestones Jax missed because he was on a fucking mission. Dyllan had tried to talk Jax out of taking it, saying that he didn’t need it, that he’d handled enough private contracts overseas to take his time and find something local that he could adjust to, but Jax wouldn’t listen. Just kept saying this would be ‘the last one.’

Well, he was right on that one.

Dyllan lost track of time as he stared mindlessly at the screen; highlights of that week’s sports games flashed before him. Slowly his mind drifted to the ride home, more specifically to his stop at the coffee shop in Hope. His encounter with the feisty blonde wasn’t something he’d planned. When he first got in line, he hadn’t even noticed her. He also hadn’t been able to stop the shit that came out of his mouth, but it didn’t matter. Not like he was going to run into her again.

“Dyllan! You made it!” a voice boomed behind him as a hand came down on his shoulder.

Turning, Dyllan looked over to see Travis grinning, his wife Lila tucked under his arm.

“I said I would,” Dyllan grumbled.

“Come on, Dyllan. Stop being miserable for just one night,” Lila said, placing her free hand on her hip. “You’re not going to be like this in Vegas, are you?”

“Depends. Are you all going to force me to be happy? It’s a little counterproductive, you know,” Dyllan grumbled as he turned his attention back to the tv screen.

“Oh shush. Grab your beer and come over to the table.” She slapped his arm playfully as she walked away.

Not wanting to argue any more than he already had, he grabbed his pint glass and followed his friends through the crowd. He took a seat and said a quick hello to Mandy at the opposite end of the table.

“I’ll go grab the appetizers. I’ll be right back.” Zach gave Mandy a quick kiss on the temple before stalking off through the crowd toward the kitchen.

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