Page 60 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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“She was joking,” Drew adds. “Obviously.”

“Obviously.” I smirk. Drew’s been hung up on this lawyer since he met her. And when he wants something, he goes for it. Only, where persistence has paid off for him in the past, this woman’s having none of it. It’s like the harder Drew tries, the more she resists.

“I need a distraction. We should set something up. And since you’re no longer getting married…”

“Thank God.” I drag a hand down my face with a groan. “Gabrielle ripped that thought out of Spencer’s head. I’m hoping he’ll have already spoken to Dad before I get back. Make the blow less of a surprise when I confirm it.”

“I don’t know. Your dad’s a stubborn bastard.”

“Lucky for me that I’m one too.”

Since talking to Gabrielle all thoughts of the wedding that never was, have been pushed to the back of my mind. Apart from that one reaction to the comment Maddy made after the opera about Pinkerton marrying someone else. That one comment that got me all fired up and fucking my friend’s sister on a piece of furniture.

I stop laughing and look at Maddy. She looks away and takes another sip of her coffee.

“Right. Better leave you to it. I’ve got a load of Tan’s work to do.”

“Where’s he gone?”

“Rachel called,” Drew says, not needing to explain further.

Tanner’s wife is pregnant with their third kid and horny as hell. Poor fucker can’t keep up. She phones him mid-day, insisting he sorts out the problem he caused, and the lucky bastard drives home, does the job, then comes back to work. Drew says the record is three times in one day. Tanner likes to seek our sympathy over how exhausted he is. He’s the only one with kids. But he also has a horny wife demanding sex multiple times a day. So yeah, we’re real sympathetic.

“Lucky bastard,” I say.

“Yeah, fucker.” Drew snorts.

“You can get him back when it’s your turn.”

Drew sucks in a breath. “Yeah, pregnancy sex.”

Maddy shuffles on the sofa. I doubt she knows that her brother is obsessed with pregnancy sex. I’ve never thought about it. With the right girl, I can see its appeal. But Drew is mad for it. Despite seeing how drained Tanner is, he still looks at him like he’s discovered the meaning of life every time he comes back from answering one of Rachel’s calls.

“Go. I’m not talking about it with you again. Not now.”Not when your sister is sitting behind me and all I can think about is that I’ve tasted the inside of her body.

I swallow the guilt down from re-surfacing as I hang up.

“Why’s my brother asking you to double date with him?”

I turn to face Maddy. She’s scowling.

“You don’t like that idea?” I step closer to her, but she stands in a rush and gathers up her laptop.

“You can do what you like. I just don’t see why you need to double date with my brother when you have that dating app you’re usually addicted to on your phone. When do you find time to sleep?”

Tension knots my brow as I look at my phone screen. There’s a notification from the app.Lookingforfun26 wants to send you a private message.Maddy must have seen it when she answered Drew’s call.

“I haven’t been on here in weeks,” I answer honestly.

“You don’t need to explain to me.”

“Yet somehow it sounds like you want me to.”

“Get over yourself, Logan.” She stomps to the other side of the kitchen.

I follow her, my fingers tapping fast on the phone screen at the same time. “Here.” I thrust it at her so the button confirming I want to delete the app is at eye-level.

She shoves it aside. “What are you doing?”
