Page 13 of Resisting Mr. Rich

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Okay, that hope was short-lived.

I roll my eyes as I move onto the next question.

Chapter 5


IanswerallMaddy’squestions as best I can on the drive to the airport, unable to resist the urge to mess with her once or twice. She gets this deep, angry line between her brows when she’s annoyed, and making it into a game of how many times I get that line to appear brings me a perverse sense of enjoyment.

I especially enjoy the way she bites down on her bottom lip and her eyes grow wide as we sail through the private entrance of the airport and over to the hangar the jet is kept in. I forget that it’s Drew who’s seen my family’s wealth more than she ever has. But if she thinks this is impressive, then she might pass out when we get to Rome. The thought pleases me, and I grin as we board the jet and I greet the pilots and two flight attendants.

Maddy’s watching me but snaps her eyes away with a small huff as I catch her looking.

“Sit where you like,” I say, walking in behind her and placing my briefcase down on a shiny table set up between four giant, cream leather seats.

She glances at me before her eyes return to their previous assessment of the cabin interior. Dad bought this jet last year. It can get us to Milan in under an hour and a half. Faster than any other jet in existence. It makes business sense. Every minute saved is an extra minute I have in Italy to drum up excitement from the list of investors I’m meeting with. And with any luck, some extra ones I might secure.

The back of my neck grows hot, and I tip my chin at the flight attendant. I offer Maddy a drink, then ask for an iced water for myself. Every trip for investors has a lot riding on it. The stakes are always high.

But there’s even more counting on this one being successful. The small issue of an organized marriage that I have no intention of entering into. I thought Dad would have caved by now. That he would have realized that I’ll get the funding on this trip and chalk his suggestion up to momentary panic at the fact we’re taking on our biggest project to date. That, or a mid-life crisis about his ticking clock for becoming a grandfather or something.

But he hasn’t. And judging by the fact the housekeeper changed the guest room bedding when I was at their house earlier, I’d say he isn’t any closer to taking back what he said. If anything would have made him think more clearly, then it would be Mum banishing him from the master suite. They’ve never spent a night apart, bar one before their wedding.

He really is hellbent on me marrying Gabrielle. And I would bet my left kidney that Gabrielle won’t want this either. I tried to reach her as soon as Dad dropped the bombshell. But she’s flown to help at an earthquake site in Turkey, so it could be days before she replies to my message. Still, even knowing that she will never agree to it either hasn’t eased the lingering tension that’s knotted my gut since the conversation with Dad. He said Spencer was waiting to talk with Gabrielle too, so she’s probably still oblivious to their crazy scheme.

Ignorance is bliss, indeed.

I wipe at my brow and then loosen my tie and undo the top button of my shirt, thanking the flight attendant for my water as she returns. I down the contents of the crystal tumbler and place the glass down and look at Maddy, who’s settled herself into one of the seats on the opposite side of the aisle. She’s typing furiously into her phone.

I get up and move toward her. She’s so engrossed she doesn’t notice.

“What Maddy’s reading?”

She jumps as I drop into the seat next to her, reading over her shoulder.

“It’s the social media account I run for the magazine.” She tilts the screen away as a dude with a rippling six pack fills it. “I post book teasers and give reading recommendations.”

“Never said a word.” I hold my hands up in the air, biting back my smile.

She turns her attention back to her phone, side-eyeing me after a few minutes. “Don’t you have to strap in for take-off?” Her gaze moves to the seat across the aisle.

“How could I forget?” I slap my palm against my forehead and start to stand. She exhales with a relieved-sounding sigh. But it’s cut short as I fall back into the seat next to hers and click my seatbelt fastened. I even add a little wink as I pull the strap tight.

Her eyes drop to my crotch before the deep line appears between her brows. Her lips curl down like she’s tasted something gross.

“I like the view from this side on take-off.” I lean closer to her and gesture out of the window. “You’ll see Buckingham Palace once we get up in the air.”

She huffs. “Will I also see my escape pod? Because I’m thinking it might get used once we’re airborne.”

I close my eyes as I relax into my seat. “Yeah, it’s a special one I had installed when I knew you were coming on this trip. It’s got British Retreat Aero Tank printed on the side. Can’t miss it.”

She’s silent for a beat, and I peel one eye open. She’s glaring at me.

“British Retreat Aero Tank?” She arches a brow.

“BRAT for short. Thought you’d appreciate it, feel at home.”

“You’re such a jerk,” she mutters, pulling a set of earpods from her purse and pushing them into her ears.
