Page 118 of Time with Mr. Silver

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Maybe he’s just one of those cocky guys everything turns to gold for. Because judging by the money he’s bringing into the business, he’s certainly living up to his name, Logan Rich.

“Go on,” he continues. “Tell me what you thought of me that first time you saw me. Looks only.” He leans back in his chair, a broad grin on his face.

I toss down my pen and mirror his posture. I’m not going to get any work done if I don’t indulge him in his game.

“Fine. Well, I thought you were Dax to begin with.”

“Except I’m better-looking.”

He winks as I snort.

“You’re funny.”

“Is that what you thought of me? Or are you trying to tell me you actually find Dax hotter than me?”

He smirks as I roll my eyes.

“Okay…” I chew my lip as I think. “First impressions? I thought you were good-looking. Tall… I liked your sandy hair. The waves… they suit you. And you smelled amazing. But then I had been traveling for the best part of twenty-four hours, so a skunk dipped in pond water might have held the same appeal.”

His chest rumbles with a laugh. “So, you wondered what I looked like naked, then?”

“Idiot, I did not.” I catch his eye and laugh. He reminds me of Brett. He’s always had a cocky charm about him. Even the accident never changed him. He’s the same larger than life guy he’s always been. “You’re not my type, Logan. Not in a million years.”

He pretends to look offended, before he laughs. “I know. Your type is moody and currently pacing up and down his office down the hall.” He jerks his thumb over his shoulder.

“How’s he seem to you?” I glance toward the doorway as if I’ll be able to see the answers in the air, floating up from his office. Floating up from the man who is embedded in my soul.

He keeps telling me he has things to sort out, but that once he does, everything will be good. That we can make plans for the future. He even suggested we take a trip together. Go somewhere hot where we can relax and just be together.

It sounds amazing.

“He’ll be fine. This is what he does.” Logan falls serious. “He sorts shit out. He thinks about it. Plans it out. Then executes it. It’s the way Dax has always been. He’s had a lot to contend with since becoming Jasmin’s legal guardian.”

“I know, I just… Do you think he seems okay, though? I feel like he’s got a lot on his plate. What if it’s too much for him to do alone?”

“Then he has us to help him. But, Rose, I’ve known Dax years. This is just the way he is. He gets all intense and enters super-boss mode. And then he gets on with it. He likes to do a lot by himself. He’s always been that way. But he also asks for help when he needs it.”

I lay a hand over my chest, rubbing at the tightness there. Logan’s right. Dax does ask for help when he needs it. Jasmin told me how he asked Logan to look after her and the estate while he was inside.

He doesn’t shut everyone out. Not when it really matters. I need to stop worrying about whatever it is he’s said he needs to sort out. Maybe it’s some big contract or something? I’ve let it morph into my head into something bigger, something scary. But this is just Dax and the way he does things.

I have nothing to worry about.

“He’s a lot like his grandad in that sense.”

“You knew him?”

“Not really. I mean, as a kid, I saw him. My parents knew him and their grandmother, being that they both ran businesses locally. I remember Dad saying what a great businessman he was. Always got the job done.”

I take in this new information. Dax rarely talks about his grandparents, except to say that he and Jasmin didn’t meet them until after his mom and dad passed away, and even then, they were only starting to build a relationship when they died too, passing the estate onto Dax and Jasmin.

“I’ve seen his name on some old accounts I’ve been sorting out. Things weren’t left in the most ordered manner in here.”

I cast my eyes around my office. It’s neat now, not a sign of the piles of paperwork and boxes of files that were here when I first arrived. It’s taken me since I arrived to get it like this. I’m almost on top of it all. There’s just one last box to sort through, and the date on it is over thirty years old. Dax’s grandad sure liked to keep records for a long time.

“Yeah? It’s a shame it’s just accounts and shit.” Logan looks at the final box I’m staring at. “I don’t think Jasmin or Dax got to know much about them before they died. Not what they were like, who they were, you know?” He shrugs his shoulders. “Then again, the shit that goes on in some families, maybe that’s a good thing.”

“Talking from experience?”

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