Page 70 of Accidental Bride

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Since Alessandra entered his life, the law wasn’t as black and white as it seemed. If you had asked him a month ago what he would choose at the crossroad, the answer would’ve been obvious. But now things had changed.

“It was an honor to be considered,” he said.

Drake couldn’t allow his composure to slip, but inside he was seething. Anthony Russo had succeeded in ruining his career while simultaneously giving him the greatest gift in his life.

Needing to lick his wounds, Drake returned to the office instead of home. Opening the door, he was immediately confronted with another problem.

“What do you want, Riley?”

His ex sat in his office chair wearing a trench coat, stockings, and fuck-me pumps. Her blonde hair fell below her shoulders. Clearly, she’d had work done while in Europe. Her nose was slightly narrowed, her lips fuller, and her breasts enhanced.

She slipped off the coat and hopped on his desk in a black corset and panties. Her hand extended out, beckoning him closer.

“Come to me, lover.”

“I haven’t been your lover since high school, remember? Even then, the term is used loosely.”

“That’s not true. We’re having a baby, Drake.”

“I don’t know if you’re making shit up or just delusional. In case you’ve forgotten, I never fucked you.” He spoke crassly.

“Poor Alessandra was hurt to find out you’d been unfaithful.”

Drake grabbed Riley by the shoulders, his strong fingers tightened as he said, “You stay away from her,puttana!”

“Oh, I’m so scared,” she shivered dramatically. “I’m not afraid of your empty threats.”

“If you don’t stay away from my wife, you’ll regret it.”

“What are you going to do, Drago?”

Drake dropped his hands and immediately stepped back as though punched in the gut. Only a handful of people knew his true identity, and Riley was never one of them. His past was buried so deep that not even Tony Russo had uncovered the truth. The fact that she knew meant only one thing…

“What did you call me?” he hissed.

Riley grinned like the cat that ate the canary. She approached him slowly and looked at his crotch as she ran her hand over his torso. She raised on her tiptoes and whispered in his ear, “That’s right, love. I know the truth. And if you want your secret to stay with me, I suggest you fall in line.”

She sucked his earlobe into her mouth and tugged. Drake grabbed her hand as it moved to his belt buckle. And squeezed in warning.

“Back the fuck off, immediately. I mean it, Riley. I’m not in the mood for games.”

“We can work this out very easily…. If you want me to disappear, I want ten million dollars. A monthly stipend for all my living expenses, too.”

“I won’t allow you to blackmail me,” he said gruffly.

Riley dug into her purse and pulled a sonogram out. She thrust it against his chest. He snatched it and crumpled it in his fist.

“You wouldn’t leave the woman carrying your child destitute, would you?” She pouted while fluttering her eyelashes.

“You’re insane! If you’re even pregnant, we both know that child isn’t mine.”

“And we both know that there is someone who can ensure I have theproofthat says you are the father.”

Drake’s eyes clouded like a thunderstorm and the beast rose to the surface. His posture changed instantly, adding a menacing air to him.

“Do not fuck with me, Riley. I don’t think you understand the gravity of the situation you’re stepping into.”

“Did you forget our families wanted us to get married?”
