Page 31 of Caged Fae

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“I wanted it to be you,” she panted through her moans.

My movements slowed as her words hit me, my cock pulsing inside her, leisurely pumping in and out at an agonizing pace. I pressed my finger down harder as I rubbed her until wetness sprayed over my fingers. She groaned, her whole body quivering with release until I was the only thing holding her up. “You wantedwhatto be me?” I asked through gritted teeth. I was so close to losing it, only a few more pumps and I’d be in bliss.

“I wanted you to be the first one to fuck me.” She turned her face to the side as I sped up, spurred on by her words. “Fuck…” she hissed, her head hanging as she tried to breathe through my thrusts. My balls tightened, about to burst inside of her. “You treat me like a person and not a slave. You…fuck!” she cried out as I started to come.

“Don’t stop,” I said with a groan. My body shook with the force of my pleasure.

“If I'm going to spend the rest of my life serving the princes of the Hunt, then I want it on my own terms, starting with your cock, Erix.”

My name on her lips once more had me coming harder, heat ripping through my body, cum dripping down Kyre’s thighs as she followed me over the edge again. I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn’t figure out what was happening to me.

I remained inside of her even as I slowed to a gentle stop. My heart thundered as I bent over her back, pushing aside her thick hair as I placed a kiss along her shoulder. One kiss turned into more until I was licking her, biting her, savoring her. I pulled free from her warm cunt, a hollow cold washing over me. I had the sudden urge to pull her close and take her again, and then again once more.

Kyre turned to face me, her lips parting to speak, only…no words came out. Her amber eyes were alight with satisfaction, and she was trying to say something, a smile brightening her face that quickly turned worried when I frowned. She was mouthing my name, but I couldn’t hear her. I shook my head, but nothing changed.

Then the room began to darken, the candles winking out one by one. Soon her pretty face was swallowed by shadows, and the touch of her warm skin disappeared entirely until I was left in a sea of blackness alone.

That’s when I woke up. Alone. In the darkness of the bathing pool, having fallen asleep in the same position I’d started in with my arms outstretched on the stone ledge and my head tilted back to the ceiling. I blinked out of sleep, clearing my head, but nothing could erase the feel of her, the taste of her.

Gone were the towels she’d sat on the chair, the dress she’d discarded on the floor, and gone was my magic that shielded us from the outside world. I was alone, and Kyre had never come to me. I didn’t know whether or not I should feel relieved or enraged. Maybe neither. Maybe both.

Just a dream…

Just a fucking dream.


It wasn’t just a dream.

His words echoed in my head as I fell back into myself, the light of my fading, hearth fire sending shadows dancing over my walls. I stared at the canopy overhead with my heart in my throat and his taste on my lips. I never left my bed and yet, I felt like I’d taken a midnight run through the forest.

Erix. Every inch of my body ached with his phantom touches. I knew there was no physical evidence of what had happened between us, but I could feel him all over me, and I begged that feeling not to fade. It wasn’t just a dream.

I sat up, shivering at the cool air that hit my bare skin. Throwing the blankets off, I padded to the hearth and stoked the fire before sitting on a footstool beside it. “Bal,” I whispered to the flames. They responded, flaring to life in seconds and casting the whole room in warmth and light.

All I could think about was Erix, and if he was still sitting in that steaming pool with candles glittering off of his golden skin. I wanted to leave this room and go to him, but something held me back. I was just a concubine, after all, and I’d served my purpose.

Bitterness rolled through me. Was that all I would ever be?

I’d fallen asleep last night, thinking about the story Erix told me about his sister. How he would have sacrificed anything just to save her. It made me realize that maybe there was more to these princes than I thought I knew. Maybe we were more alike than I realized. There were a lot of horrible things I would do in the name of saving Drystan’s life.

Being exiled for attempting to assassinate the king’s mistress aside, I found myself wanting to know more about these males, starting with the one who made me feel like a real faerie and not just a servant. Erix and Riven could mind-speak, explaining exactly how he’d managed to infiltrate my dreams that night the first time I saw him, touched him. He really was there with me, holding me bound in chains before him, with that strange male behind him, the one with the wings… I glanced over at the thrones that surrounded the golden cage in my room, studying the fifth one.

Five thrones for five princes.

What happened last night hadn’t only happened in my head. Everything in me knew he’d shared that experience with me, and I had no idea what kind of reunion we would have come morning when we were forced to face each other in the flesh. A part of me dreaded the inevitable rejection. I cursed myself for that dread, because I shouldn't expect anything from any of them. I wasn’t their guest, I was their prisoner.

I sat by the fire for hours, until the sun began to rise over the tops of the trees, barely managing to filter in through the window of my bedroom. The sunlight never quite made it to the bottom of the forest floor, but up here I could feel some of its warmth. Eventually there came a knock at the door. Another servant with a message for me to get myself dressed for the outdoors. He handed me a bundle of clothing, sketched a slight bow, and then left without another word.

I didn’t know who’d sent the message, but I didn’t question it. I dressed myself in leather trousers and boots, a black cloth shirt like the ones I wore back in Karn, and a hooded cloak. There was a matching pair of leather gloves, and a tiny sheath for the knife I still had. I shook my head as I pulled the blade from under my pillow. Cadoc thought he was so clever gifting me with the measly thing, but little did he know, I was no good with weapons aside from the basics, sosomethingwas quite literally better than nothing.

An hour later, I found myself on the ground level, staring at a clearing full of beasts. There were too many to count—bears, wildcats, elhorns, and some that I didn’t have a name for. There were scaled lizard-like creatures that walked on hind legs, as well as a few winged ones with fur, feathers, talons, and a little too much intelligence in their eyes for my comfort.

I spotted a chimera on the other side of the clearing, sleeping in the wet dirt, and my heart gave a lurch. I thought of Zephyr, wondering where he might be and if he was still watching out for Neera like I asked him to.

Cadoc, who'd be responsible for this morning’s summons, unfurled his wings for takeoff. He gestured to the shovel he’d placed in my hand. “Well?”

Tightening my grip on the wooden handle, I grumbled under my breath, cursing my stupidity and naïvety once again. In the monotonous week after my encounter in the baths with Haelo and the other princes, I’d asked Cadoc if there were any other tasks he could give me to fill my time here. I was getting restless wandering the halls in pretty dresses and washing the blood off of their skin after hunts. Not that I didn’t enjoy touching said skin. I just needed something to give me purpose. Something I could look forward to. Something to keep me from slitting my own throat out of boredom.
