Page 39 of Boys of Summer

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He pushes a piece of paper in front of me, but I have no idea what I’m looking at. It looks like a jumble of small words and lines but none of them make sense to me right now. I push it away and look back to the lawyer. “Are you sure you read it right? There’s no way—”

“I assure you, Nora, I read it right. I also spoke with Landy personally shortly before her passing to get her final signatures. She was very adamant on leaving everything to you and only you. She said—and I quote‘I’d trust no one else to love my studio the way I did. She’ll take care of it and do right by it or else I’ll haunt her cute butt from the beyond.’”His cheeks visibly flame as he says the words, and Luca snorts, as does Carson.

My heart swells with pride because those do sound like her words. I’m still reeling. “What does this mean?” I ask nobody in particular.

Mom just smiles softly, reaching across the table to grasp my hand. “It means you have a lot of hard work ahead of you. If you think this will be too much, we can figure out a way to sell the studio,” she suggests. My whole being instantly rebels at the thought.

“No, no way.” I shake my head. “I’ll run it, just like she asked me to.”

“Not only that, but you’ve also acquired the apartment above it. The building is paid off, but you’ll still owe property tax, so that's something you’ll have to work out at a later date.” His lawyer voice is back and for the first time, I take a good look at the paper. “I just need your signature in a few places and I can be out of your hair.”

“How’s about you let me read over it for you, Nora,” offers Carson. I’d almost forgotten he was there. His smile is earnest and his eyes are as kind as they always are. My mom smiles over at him.

I breathe a sigh of relief. “Please and thank you.” He just chuckles as I slide the contracts over to him.

“Now that that’s settled, I’ll think I’ll be going now,” Mr. Chandler says, standing up from his chair and collecting his case. He turns to me with an outstretched hand. “If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call my office. Good luck to you, Miss.”

Smiling tightly, I thank him and do the adult thing and walk him to the door. Long after he leaves, I’m still standing in the open doorway, peering down at his business card with vacant eyes. The realization of this whole situation is crashing over me in a big way.

“Why don’t you get some sleep,” Jax’s voice whispers in my ear. I whip around, his arms snaking over my waist as he places a chaste kiss on my lips.

“Where have you been?” I kiss him back, relishing in the scent of his aftershave.

“Just down the hall, sleuthing. I figured I’d give you guys a little privacy. He shrugs, his eyes sparkling with excitement for me.

“You didn’t need to do that, J. I always want you there, you’re my family.”

His blue eyes light up, and he sweeps me up into his arms as I try to cover my squeal. “Keep talking to me like that and we’re not going to get any rest tonight.”

My heart gallops. “Empty words, big guy,” I taunt and his eyes darken.

We make it to my bedroom door and he sets me down on my feet. “If you didn’t look like dead weight right now, I might have taken you up on that challenge, but since you’re swaying a little bit, I’m gonna have to say goodnight.”

Grumbling, I just shake my head. “Night then.”

Jax snorts and grabs my upper arm, twirling me around once more before placing a wet, sloppy kiss on my lips that makes me push back on his chest. “Okay, okay!” I wipe my lips. “Going to bed now, sheesh.”

He smiles, eyes crinkling in the corners. “Love you, baby girl.”

My heart stutters and flips. “Love you, big man.”


Breathing in and out slowly, I try to ground myself, nerves wracking my body. Women bustle around my chair as I brush out my hair in the oval-shaped antique mirror. We’re in the country club's bridal suite and everything is some shade of gold, cream, or pearl.

My dress is comfortable and pretty—rose-colored silk that flutters over my slender form like a waterfall and barely grazes the tops of my heel-clad feet. My white-blonde hair is brushed out into soft waves that reach my middle back, adorned with a deep-red flower crown. I’ve been trying to ignore the noise around me for about two hours now, but with no real luck. Even Kennedy’s over it, currently napping over on the chaise lounge in the corner with a half-empty glass of champagne dangling from her fingers. Snorting, I make my way over to her and set the glass to the side before she ruins her dress.

The last three weeks have been nuts. All I've been doing is helping Mom with this damn wedding, making sure every single detail is perfect for her big day. Jax has helped as much as he could stand, but I wanted this to be a mom and daughter thing. After losing Landy, I cant help but be reminded of how fucking short life is, and that we have to enjoy every single moment while we still have them in front of us.

I keep reassuring Mom that yes, I'm proud of her, and I wish her and Carson the absolute best. I actually like him a lot, and he treats her like the queen she is, so he gets the official daughter seal of approval.

Checking the clock on the wall, we have about twenty minutes until the ceremony, and as the Maid of Honor, I’ll be the last to walk out with Luca on my arm. The thought sends a warm, fluttery feeling through my whole body.

Oohs and awws come from the back of the room and I swivel in my chair. My mom steps out from behind the dressing room door, a vision in blush-colored lace that makes her sparkling, blue eyes pop. My eyes fill with tears immediately because she just looks so fucking happy and beautiful. Standing up, I rush over to her, where she’s already waiting with open arms. “Oh, baby, you look beautiful!” she says as she wraps her arms around me.

Pulling back, I clutch her hands in mine. “Me? Look at you, Mom, you look like a goddess.” I sniffle, blinking rapidly so I dont ruin my mascara right before we’re supposed to go out there.

Mom reaches out and smudges a tear off of my cheek. “None of that nonsense, you’ll ruin your makeup,” she teases. I bat her hand away.
