Page 7 of Steel

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If Kai was talking, he wasn’t there to kill him. He’d seen Kai in action one too many times to know how he operated. When he was working, it was the only time he was serious.

He lowered his gun.

“Did you seriously wait here in the dark just so you could dramatically turn on the light?”

“It would be so much cooler if I said yes, right?”

Steel arched a brow at him.

“Right.” Kai grinned at him. “So, yes. I did. Totally.”

Steel ran his gaze over Kai. His hair was flat on one side, and he had a red line across one cheek, and the collar on his shirt was folded the wrong way on his left side.

“Did you fall asleep?”

“What? No. Pssh.” Kai shook his head. “Why are you home so late?”

Steel refrained from rolling his eyes and holstered his gun, then walked in front of Kai, unsurprised when the man looked up at him with a sensual smile and heat in his eyes.

“I suggest you leave before I shoot you,” Steel said, giving Kai a pointed look.

Kai batted his lashes at Steel and said, “You say the sweetest things to me.”

“I mean it.”

“I’m sure you do,” Kai said and pushed up from the couch, bringing them much closer than Steel wanted.

“I figured you owe me,” Kai said.

Steel blinked slowly at him.

“I owe you?”

Kai hummed with a nod.

“Because you didn’t kill my brother?”


“You’re out of your mind.”

Why the fuck that made Kai smile, he didn’t know. He didn’t want to know.

“I already deleted the video.”

He’d had a video of Kai admitting that he’d been hired to kill Trina and while Kai hadn’t seemed too bothered about it at the time, he’d agreed to help them.

The man had been so damned aloof about it that he hadn’t been certain if he’d helped because of the video or because he’d cared. When he’d called Kai out on it, stepping between Kai’s gun and Trina, he’d seen something in that brown gaze. He still didn’t know what it was. Wasn’t sure he wanted to know.

“Fine,” Kai said with a sigh. “Then you owe me for saving Trina’s life.”

Steel clenched his teeth hard.

Kai wasn’t wrong. He’d shot Trina’s ex, killing him before he could kill Trina. Fuck. He did owe him. He wasn’t about to tell Kai as much, though.

“How is your brother by the way?”

He glared at Kai, then released a sigh.
