Page 36 of Steel

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“I’m not,” Steel said and took a deep breath to prepare himself for what he was about to tell his brother.

“What’s wrong?” Trina asked, a deep line forming between her brows.

“Everything?” He rubbed his hands on his jeans, trying and failing to keep the panic out of his voice. “Remember Kai?”

Tony’s expression turned shuttered in an instant, just as he’d expected.

“What about him? Is he back?” Tony asked, worry creeping into his voice.

“Not for you,” Steel hurried to say.

“Then what?” Trina asked, sliding off her barstool to walk around the island and grab Tony’s hand.

“Maybe we should sit?” Steel suggested.

Tony shook his head. “Spit it out.”

He blew out a breath, then decided that his brother was probably right. He should just get it over with.

“He’s in trouble. He came to me for help, and I did. I took him to a safe house and got him new papers. One thing led to another…” He cleared his throat. “He took off this morning. I don’t know what to do.”

“He finally got you, huh?” Trina asked, her smile much too smug for his liking.

He dropped his head forward with a groan, then muttered under his breath, “He got me alright.”

“Are you in love with him?” Tony asked.

“No.” Steel snapped his head up. “That’s too soon. Right?”

Trina looked at Tony, then at Steel and said, “Oh, honey. You’re asking the wrong people. We both fell within seconds.”

Tony hummed and looked at Trina. “It took a whole lot longer to convince you that you deserved more.”

He didn’t need to say who Trina deserved more than. Any mention of her psychotic ex could bring the mood down instantly. That was one thing he was thankful to Kai for; that he’d killed the fucker.

Trina let go of Tony and walked up in front of Steel to grab his hands in hers. She was a tiny woman who looked fragile, but she was strong as hell. He’d seen it firsthand. She’d willingly gone back to her ex to protect the club. She’d endured his abuse to keep them safe.

“If Kai hadn’t been the one sent to kill us, we would all be dead right now,” Trina said and squeezed Steel’s hands. “Instead, I’m free. I’m thriving. And that’s because of him.”

She wasn’t wrong, of course, but he wasn’t so certain his brother saw it the same way.

He looked over Trina’s head to find his brother’s gaze.

“Are you in love with him?” Tony asked hesitantly.

Steel swallowed hard.

Well, wasn’t that the question of the century?

He gave a slight nod of his head before he could help it.

“Well.” Tony’s expression softened. “Looks like you’d better go get him, then.”


The train ride had been awful. After feeling so safe with Steel the past few days, he’d been on high alert the whole time. He could finally breathe a small sigh of relief as he slid into the driver’s seat of his new rental and closed the door. It didn’t make him relax any, though, because he’d be driving straight into the fray.

He pulled out the phone he’d bought earlier at a small shady store and connected to the rental place’s Wi-Fi. The first thing he looked up was whether his mark was still alive or if they’d taken him out. Surprisingly, the senator was still breathing. Lucky him.

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