Page 72 of No Quarter

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“Umm,” she managed, stretching her torso upward, allowing him to slowly ease her back and forth across his hard length and thickness. “Ohhh…” and her eyes closed as she lifted her chin, lost in the wickedly scalding heat boiling within her from their newest connection.

“Now,” he rasped thickly, “lean toward me, Lauren.” She did so, their mouths meeting, clinging to one another. And, as she moved forward, Alex felt his tip pressing hotly against her wet gate, asking for entrance. A quiver flew through her as they met. Her mouth lifted from his. Her hands knotted into his shoulders. “That’s it,” he growled, “take as little or as much as you want of me into you,malen ‘kaya. Do not hurry it. Just… appreciate the sensations… let your body be your guide as to how little or much you desire of me…” and he gritted his teeth as she boldly moved her body, allowing him entrance into her welcoming depths.

His fingers dug convulsively into her hips as she moved the first few inches, easing back and forth on him, her body acquainting itself with his, with all these newly discovered sensations. He didn’t have to worry about protection because Lauren was on the pill. And every sweet movement of her core against him made him groan with an intense feeling close to pain, and yet far from it. His entire body was galvanized, the throbbing ache building until he pressed his head against the headboard, trying to control himself. He could feel her breath hitching, enjoying the new pleasure she was delighting in, and he could feel her walls begin to grip him even though he wasn’t even halfway into her loving body. He knew he was large, and she was so tight and small. Keeping up the gentle rhythm, the back-and-forth movement along his length, he saw her lashes sweep down across her cheeks, her lips parting, her back beginning to arch. She was going to come again and, this time, he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from coming, either.

Just as he thought she would orgasm; Lauren drew nearly all of him deep within her. The movement surprised him, took him off-guard for a split second. He heard her moan, felt her fingernails dig into his flesh, realizing it wasn’t from pain. Instead, it was him filling her in every way, triggering even more pleasurable sensations that she’d just discovered. When he felt her body relax around him, accommodate him, he began to move her gently once more, to show her how much more enjoyment they could both gain by being deeply seated into one another. Sweat popped out on his brow. His nostrils flared. He felt Lauren realize it, too. Those sweet sounds spilling out of her exposed throat sent him into a special heaven and hell. He fought to control himself so that she could fully experience her body singing with the lush delights of being loved.

Just as he felt Lauren tense with a swift intake of breath, her walls contracted around him so tightly that Alex couldn’t control himself any longer. Just as the white-hot orgasm shattered through her, scalding him, he felt his own avalanche of heat erupting through him, flooding her with himself. Drowning in her heat, in her cries of exquisite surprise, Alex allowed her to ride him as never before. He moved her firmly, giving her even more stimulation… raw, unbridled sensations… until he heard her crying out in utter satiation with each stroke.

Lauren felt her entire universe shatter and explode into billions of shards of light reflecting behind her tightly-shut eyes. She felt the thrust of his erection deep inside her, feeling her body give way, thirsty, hot and wet. All she could do was hold onto his broad shoulders, hearing his groan and the hiss of air between his clenched teeth as she rode him. The movement was like hot silk building into another explosion, and the lavishness of sensations tore through her once more. With a groan, all she could do afterward was sag limply against his damp body, her silky hair spilling across his chest and shoulders, tangling teasingly around her sensitized nipples, sending even more charged currents through her and down to her orgasming lower body. It was just too much and she felt hurled into timelessness, where she was held in light, boiling heat by rippling sensations that deepened with each of his wave-like thrusts. Feeling lightheaded, Lauren collapsed fully against Alex, the ongoing undulations of pleasure flowing vibrantly through her.

Alex couldn’t move. He felt drained in a completely good way as Lauren sank against him, her head on his shoulder, her breath coming in sobs. It had been good for both of them.The best.Skating his large hand down her damp back, she felt boneless to him. Fully satisfied. Slowly, he carefully eased out of her and then placed her onto the bed beside him. Lauren moaned, as if not wanting to lose that living connection with him. She would be sore enough, soon enough, and Alex knew her body needed the rest.

He brought her into his arms, and held her safe. Held her forever. She made a humming sound of satisfaction deep in her throat as he brought her against him, his leg wrapping around hers, fully pressing her against him in every possible way. The fan of her silky red hair felt cool in contrast to the damp heat of her skin against himself. Lauren’s breath was stabilizing. She nuzzled her face against his neck and shoulder, as Alex felt her fingers glide through the dark hair across his chest. She was still boneless. Utterly relaxed, all the tension she’d carried dissolving beneath the orgasms and loving him. He absorbed her soft, moist breath, felt her lips form a kiss upon his flesh. Smiling, he rasped, “It was good,malen ‘kaya. The best… I love you…”

Lauren drowsily openedher eyes. She was laying against Alex. No longer damp and hot, she felt the dry warmth of his arm around her shoulders, holding her close to him. Dusk was upon them. What time was it? Did she care? Closing her eyes, she could feel the heat and subtle ripples still ongoing in her lower body. It was such a good, clean feeling. Wonderful. Lauren wasn’t sure she was even back in her body yet. She felt Alex’s fingers move lightly across her shoulder, letting her know he too, had awakened.

Lifting her head, she met his hooded eyes, seeing the gold dancing in their depths. A soft smile came to her lips and she leaned upward, kissing the corner of his mouth. “I love you, Alex Kazak. You’ve given me something so incredible… I just can’t give it words.”

He smiled lazily and nodded. “Love needs no words,malen ‘kaya. We talk to one another in a different way. Real love like this is to be savored and enjoyed.” Opening his eyes more, he drowned in her soft gray gaze. “I love you…” Her tremulous smile undid him in every possible way. Alex had seen the question in her eyes, asking if she was good enough, if she had pleased him, too. Understanding Lauren’s lingering lack of confidence, he slid his fingers through her hair, moving strands away from her face. “You love like a wild woman. You are hot, hungry and unafraid. You are the kind of woman I will spend my life with, exploring you, your beautiful, sensitive body and loving heart.” He saw tears come up into her eyes, and her doubts dissolving.

“It was so good, Alex. I never realized all of this until just now, with you,” and she sighed, resting her brow against his chest.

He drew her up and settled her along his length. It would be at least another month before he would even think of lying on top of her with his considerable weight. For now, he was perfectly fine with her long, lean, firm body like a blanket covering his. She liked it too, snuggling her face into the crook of his shoulder. Lauren moved her hips suggestively against his growing erection, realizing that doing so, and feeling his response to her sinuous, teasing movements only increased her confidence. Smiling, Alex closed his eyes, gliding his fingertips down her long, strong spine. He wanted Lauren to show, in her own way, what she wanted from him. The clock on the dresser read nine p.m. Two hours had passed. He was more than ready to please her again if that’s what she wanted. Right now, Alex wanted her to choose her own pace. In the months to come, he was going to enjoy showing her all the ways a man could love his woman. The mere thought of the deep joy of sending her into that bright, hot light where one was mindless, her body burning with pleasure, and then, languishing in the fire of love their hearts had created, made him smile.

He thought about how they had met, and how much she had disliked him, but now, so many months later, he knew the whole story of why she’d reacted to him the way she had. Stroking his hand gently across her hair, he felt her relaxing against him, indicating that she was falling asleep. Alex knew that the shock and trauma of almost dying were still working their way through her. The bright spot was their love for one another. Smiling to himself, holding her gently, he closed his eyes. When the time was right, he would ask her when they should get married. That would come, and for him, having the woman he’d so artlessly fell in love with, to have their home, living together, mattered the most to him because of the loss of his own family. Yes, everything he’d lost, and everything Lauren had had equally taken from her, was being given back to them. Only this time, it was good news wrapped in a bow of happiness. Their lives were already as one and, soon perhaps, after Sky gave birth to her baby girl, Lauren would want to set a date for their marriage. It was something to look forward to and Alex closed his eyes, resting his jaw lightly against her red hair, at peace as never before. Together, they had so much to look forward to—together. Forever.


On February 14th, Valentine’s Day, Alex married Lauren in St. Sophia’s Orthodox church near Alexandria, Virginia. Sky was Lauren’s Maid of Honor, and Cal was Alex’s Best Man. The entirety of Shield’s employees were all there in happy attendance. Cal’s ST3 SEAL team members also came. Jack Driscoll, having volunteered to hold Cal’s and Sky’s two-month-old baby daughter, Makayla, smiled broadly, cradling the sleeping tyke. And sitting with him was Kira, Alex’s sister. She was coming along well in her recovery from her own trauma and wanted to be there to see her big brother happily married. It meant the world to Alex, a huge load of worry lifted off his shoulders as his sister finally turned the corner, her mental and emotional health beginning to improve.

Lauren looked positively glowing in a white wedding dress that was was a simple sheath, the top of it beaded with small white and black rainbow-colored pearls adorning the bodice. Her red hair was a burnished and shining red cape around her shoulders. A delicate headband of small pink roses, and white rose buds with purple stock, encircled her head, with their green vines woven into the long lengths of her hair. Her bouquet mirrored her headdress, consisting of fragrant white lilacs, pink roses, one large white peony, and touches of fragrant purple stock. She wore a pair of black Tahitian pearl earrings set in gold, gifted to her from Alex the day before the wedding.

When Alex slipped the gold wedding band onto Lauren’s finger, with the single black Tahitian pearl set into it that she’d worn since he’d given it to her months earlier, she felt hot tears leaking into her eyes. The expression on his face was tender with love for her alone. It only made her love him even more than ever before.

Jack Driscoll sat there, shadowing Sky and Cal’s baby daughter during the wedding. Kira Kazak, having flown in from San Diego, took over the major duties of holding and feeding the baby, and was more than happy to do so. Jack had caught a lot of jibes later, at the wedding reception, but took them all in good stride. After all, he’d remained single, so it was an interesting curiosity to the other nosy males as to why he’d wanted to be a babysitter for the wedding occasion. Driscoll merely grinned and said he was Kira’s and the baby’s bodyguard for the day. Kira carried Makayla around, changing diapers and rocking the tyke asleep in her arms after feeding her. Jack made sure she got a piece of the wedding cake and took over the holding duties of Makayla while they sat in a quieter corner of the massive building that held the party, discovering one another.

After the rousing reception, there was dancing and merriment, and then Alex took his new bride home to their cabin. It was there that he gave her one last wedding gift: a necklace of black Tahitian pearls that she had, at one time, confided to him of dreaming all her life of owning a complete strand of. Knowing that the cost of such an extravagant necklace was beyond nearly any operator’s ability to buy, she had drawn in a sharp breath upon opening the long white jewelry box. A triumphant look came into Alex’s eyes, the grin on his face widening as she gasped with delight at the unexpected gift. The pearls were graduated, a dark gray-black with the rainbow colors of pink, purple, blue and hints of yellow and green, glinting and reflecting from each one as she held the warm, living necklace in her hands.

“They are like you,malen’kaya,” he told her, his voice roughened with emotion as he sat on the couch next to her, holding her tearful gaze. “Out of the darkness of your young life, you chose to become like the pearl through the grit and sand of those painful early years. You began to build the nacre, the fluid created by the oyster to protect and internally heal itself, and surround that wound. You became a beautiful pearl yourself, a woman with a good heart and soul, despite it all.” He touched the pearls, holding her gaze, and then lifted his hand, cupping her damp cheek. “We have nothing but goodness on our path together in front of us, and I am so grateful that you are sharing your life with me.”


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