Page 90 of A Bullet Between Us

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It wasn’t until Leo reached behind his back that I responded. I shot up from my chair before Leo’s knife opened in his hands, aiming for Ilias’s side.

The unique sound of a gun cocking as it shifted a bullet onto the chamber, ready to be fired, petrified my soul. All our eyes slid to Arlo, who had his gun-holding hand stretched out in front of him.

“Don’t,” Arlo spat as his finger arched around the trigger, the barrel pointing straight for Leo’s head.

Ilias and Leo stood face to face, neither backing out.

With blood staining his teeth, Leo craned his head as he chuckled without a care for the gun that threatened his life.

Lucca and Enzo, still facing each other a few feet apart, waited, unamused to the scene unfolding. They must’ve seen this coming as their features stayed indifferent.

With his smile still present, Leo wiggled his hand, returning his knife back into its guard while blood spilled from his lips.


It took all of me to try to reason, when all I really wanted was to spill Leo’s blood just as he had Davina’s. The only difference, I would make sure I watched every drop drain from his body until death claimed him.

The sick fuck thought this was a game, a joke, as if her life didn’t mean anything.

It meant something to me, and as much as I wanted to continue pounding his face into a pulp, Davina was my priority now.

“Enzo,” Lucca greeted, and Enzo did the same before Lucca asked, “Drink?”

“No, thank you. I’m hoping to leave Miami as soon as this meeting is over.”

I stared at Leo for a minute longer, watching as his blood spewed from his mouth, and as much as rage consumed me, it had to be enough. For now. My chest bounced with leftover adrenaline and drive for blood, and I let go of Leo and retreated until I was standing next to Davina.

“Would you both like a seat?” Lucca asked smoothly. Ultimately, I too let my gaze slide off Leo and toward Lucca as his hand waved toward the empty chairs for them.

Enzo’s head dipped as he lowered on the chair. Lucca did the same, but Leo didn’t move, he stood right where I left him by the door.

“It seems like we’ve crossed some lines, Lucca.”

“It may seem that way.”

Enzo chuckled dryly. “If your brother wasn’t in the line, you wouldn’t have given it a second thought.”

Lucca’s eyes warned me to calm down. I couldn’t disrespect Enzo, but I also knew the truth to his words. If I wasn’t in the middle of it all, Lucca would’ve just handed Davina over without remorse or guilt in his heart.

The Famiglia is always first.

“But he is,” Lucca replied.

“You are willing to speak freely with a woman here?”

“You see, Enzo, I know for a fact Davina won’t speak a word that comes out of this room. Not from trust, but I cover my tracks to assure the best for Miami’s interest.”

Ugo’s dead body, and the murder weapon Lucca had ordered retrieved.

Davina’s body winced at the sound of her name, and she wasn’t the only one who reacted. Enzo’s lips twisted with the jab Lucca had just given.

“You know I’ve heard the rumors of how you’ve been trying to change some old ways, and how many aren’t too kind to such changes.”

“Funny,” Lucca smiled, “I heard a few whispers myself. They all say how much she’s worth the future of New York’s hierarchy. How one woman holds the power to bring your father’s Syndicate to the ground with no Vitelli left to takeover.”

Enzo leaned forward. “Are you threatening me?”

Lucca’s eyes signaled for me to reply.
