Page 58 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“How old are they?” he demanded.


“How old? Five years?”




“Or is it eight years?” He released her wrists and cupped her face, forcing her to meet the sorrow burning in his eyes. “How about eight years and one month. Could that be how old they are? You were on your way to the Montagues’ Anniversary Ball, weren’t you? To try and find me and start our life again.”

Tears threatened, tears of regret and longing, tears of sorrow for one careless jerk of the wheel on a rain-slick mountain road. “Yes,” she cried. “I’m sorry, Chaz. So sorry. Idid try to get to you. Idid.”

He stopped her words with a kiss of such passionate poignancy that the tears flowed unchecked. “It’s in the past,” he said with unmistakable finality.

He found the scars with his mouth again, but instead of filling her with a shivery pleasure, they roused an unbearable tension. His hand accidentally brushed her breast. Or was it accidental? His callused fingers grazed the softness of her lower belly where there no scars marred her skin. Her muscles rippled tight. Afluttering started there, centered deep in the most feminine core of her. With each careless touch, it intensified, causing a throbbing between her legs and driving the crowns of her breasts into tight, painful peaks.

“Please,” she gasped, unable to stand another minute.

“I plan to please you, sweetheart. Iplan to please you every which way I can, plus any others that come to mind in the next few hours.”

He cupped her breasts, giving them his full attention. Her breath quickened, just as her body quickened, drawing taut with need. He lay heavily over her, slipping his hands beneath her thighs and parting them. He found the center of liquid warmth, dipped into it, intensified it, gorged on it, reveled in it. And when they were both mindless with desire, he filled her, riding with her to an ecstasy that made them inescapably one. One mind. One heart. Onesoul.

Joined in a perfect, shattering union.

It wasn’t until much, much later, until the darkest hours of the night when nightmares roam and uncertainty cavorts, that he awoke and knew the truth. She planned to leave him and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do aboutit.

“You’ve done what?”

Shayne sat up and dragged the covers around her, glaring at Chaz. “I knew you’d overreact when you found out. That’s why I didn’t tell you sooner.”

“You listen up, wife, and you listen up good. It will be a cold day in hell before I allow that old bat to live under my roof. Do you have any idea the months of torture she’s put me through?”

“She’s only trying to protect Sarita.”

He thrust a pillow behind his shoulders and glared at his turncoat wife. “Bull. She’s trying to drive me insane.”

“Sarita needs her. Besides, it’s too late to tell her no. I’ve already said yes.”

“Find a way.”

“How am I supposed to do that?” she demanded in exasperation.

“Lie to her. Be honest with her. Explain that we don't have a room for her. Frankly, Idon't give a damn. But you make sure Her Worship and that cane of hers are on the next outbound transport to Mexico.”

“There’s only one small problem with your plan.”

His jaw made a prominent appearance again. “And what’s that?”

“I can’t tell her we don’t have room.” She gulped. “Because she’s already seen it.”

“What do you mean, she’s already seen it? Seen what?”

“I mean...” Her voice dropped to a barely audible level. “I fixed up one of the bedrooms for her and let her see it.”

“You did what?”

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