Page 50 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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Strands of ivy fluttered from her hands, snaking affectionately around his boots. “It’s funny you should mention the holes. Jumbo will have them taken care of by the end of the day.”

“Would you care to tell me how Jumbo will take care of it?”

She cleared her throat. “I think I’ll leave that as a surprise.”

He frowned. Reaching up, he plucked her off the ladder before she fell off and set her in front of him. She stood there, her expression so full of hope, he found it painful to witness. “And will it be as much of a surprise as your un-Christmas decorations?”

“Count on it.”

“I was afraid you’d say that.”

He leaned down and carefully untwined the strands of ivy from around his ankles before he found himself nose-down in one of Shayne’s holes. As tempted as he was to rip the garland apart, he didn’t think he could face her expression if he accidentally damaged it. Winding the garland into a neat coil, he set it aside. Then he eyed the twinkling fairy lights—the tea rose blush pink twinkling fairy lights—the puce-purple bows and blue ivy that looked amazingly green to hiseyes.

“Honey, Ihate to tell you this, but it’s all got to go.”

Her soft mouth quivered in a way he longed to ease with a kiss so hard and time-consuming it would wipe every other thought from her head. “But, why?”

Before he could explain even one of his objections, aknock sounded at the front door. No doubt sensing a reprieve, Shayne darted around him and tugged it open. Doña Isabella filled the doorway. And hovering at her side, her tiny hand clinging to the Doña’s, stood Chaz’s daughter. She gazed at them with huge, apprehensive eyes, shrinking closer to her great-grandmother.

Shayne greeted them with a huge grin. “Doña Isabella. What a pleasant surprise.” She stooped to the little girl’s level. “And this must be Sarita. Hello, sweetie.”

Sarita buried her face against the old woman's skirts, then peeked at them, the prettiest smile Chaz had ever seen slippingfree.

The Doña looked around inquisitively. “I hope we haven’t arrived at an inconvenient time.”

“How can it be inconvenient since I’m sure you planned it that way?” Chaz asked dryly.

Shayne chuckled. “You just ignore him. It’s not inconvenient at all.” She threw the door wide and gestured for them to enter. “Now don’t trip on the holes in the floor. We’ll have those covered up before the end of the day.”

The cane paused mid-tap. “Holes in the floor?”

“That’s just what Chaz said when he first saw them. Of course, he said it a bit louder.”


“Just like that, as a matter of fact.”

Sarita tugged on her great-grandmother’s hand and pointed to Shayne’s latest “cosmetic” contributions to his house. “Abuelita, mira! Qué bonita.”

Abuelita? Chaz fought to suppress a grin, with only limited success. Somehow he’d never pictured anyone having the nerve to call the austere Doña Isabella “little grandmother.” But apparently his baby girl was an exception. One look at his nemesis, however, killed his grindead.

Once she deemed him appropriately cut down to size by her razor-sharp glare, she turned her attention to their surroundings. “What beautiful Christmas decorations,” she commented with admirable sincerity. “You have done a lovely job.”

Shayne shot Chaz an uneasy glance before addressing their guest. “Oh, they’re not for Christmas. Goodness, no. Ijust thought they looked pretty. But if you notice, Ididn't use any Christmas colors, which means they're not.”

She trailed off dispiritedly and Chaz felt like an utter heel. She’d worked so hard to get the place spruced up and ready. And all for his daughter. All so he’d be granted custody by the black vulture hovering beside Sarita.

He gave in to the inevitable. “Glad you like it. Shayne deserves all the credit. She’s worked hard on making the place perfect for the holidays. Iassume you’re here for the grand tour?”

“If it wouldn’t be an imposition.”

“Now why would you think that?” he asked dryly.

“How about if I show you around?” Shayne hastened to suggest. “That way you can make suggestions for any changes that occur to you.”

Doña Isabella graciously inclined her head. “That would be acceptable.”

“Great! Where would you like to start?”
