Page 41 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“A while ago, by the looks of them.” Mojo came close enough to whistle over a few of the more impressive ones. “How long were you laid up?”

The question enabled her to evade her husband’s shocked questions. “A couple months. Not including the cosmetic surgeries to get rid of some of the worst ones.”

“Hah. Got you beat. Six months,” Mojo boasted. “The first week I flat-lined three times. The doctors didn’t think I had a chance.”

“Yeah? Well, Ilost half my blood volume.”


She grinned. “Okay. Maybe not half. But it was a lot. If my brother hadn’t gotten to me so quickly, I’d have been a goner for sure.”

Chaz’s mouth had acquired an odd, white-lipped appearance. “Rafe was there?”

She chose her words with care. “He was following me at the time.”


“Costa Rica. Those mountain roads can be really hazardous.”

“Then we’ll make sure you stay off the ones around here.”

Relief vied with annoyance. “That’ll be a little tough to do living in the shadow of the Rockies.”

“You’ll stay off them,” he repeated in a voice he no doubt hoped would end the subject.

She simply shrugged and returned her attention to Mojo. “Now, about the kitchen...”

The cook scowled. “What about it?”

“That seems to be an area of concern. Or so I understand.”

He folded his arms across his massive chest. “You have something to tell me?”

“I sure do. Since I’m so busy revealing secrets today, Ithought I’d reveal another.”

“What’s that?”

“I don’t cook.”

It took a moment for the words to sink in, but the second they did, Mojo positively beamed. “No cooking? For real?”

“No cooking. For real. Our housekeeper in Costa Rica tried to teach me a number of times, but finally gave it up as a lost cause.”

Chaz relaxed enough to smile. “How many dinners did you burn?”

“Too many to count. Rafe was amazingly equitable about the whole thing. Maybe because he’d just rescued me from—” Her mouth snapped closed an instant toolate.

“Rescued you from...?” Chaz repeated softly. “Who? From me?”

“No! No,” she repeated again, so there wouldn’t be any doubt. “You know full well I didn’t need rescuing from you.”

“Then who?”

“My aunt.” She hopped off the counter and offered his employees a brilliant smile. “So have we resolved the kitchen crisis? You'll continue cooking for us, Mojo?”

“You got it. And if there’s something special you want some night. Well, hell. I’ll even consider fixing it.”

“I appreciate the offer,” Shayne said gravely. “And I’ll try not to take you up on it.”
