Page 39 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“Yeah. Better.” The muscles along his jaw knotted. “Less... less hurtful.”

All that escaped her throat was a tiny squeak of disbelief. She must have looked a sight, her hair in a wild tangle, his T-shirt drooping off one shoulder, her eyes bulging, her mouth hanging open. He apparently took her mouse imitation as agreement, because he gave a nod of satisfaction and left the room. Less hurtful? What did thatmean?

She remained in bed for a full five minutes mulling over his words, until it suddenly dawned on her that she’d been sleeping dab-smack in the center of the mattress. Aslight depression remained where Chaz’s body had been, adepression that she overlapped by a good foot. No question. At some point in the night, she’d slipped over to his side of the bed and turned him into a surrogate pillow and bed warmer. What she’d denied while awake, she’d revealed in her sleep.

Less hurtful. The words trailed her into the shower and around the room as she pulled clothes from the suitcase that had been dropped off at some point in the wee hours of the morning. It wasn't much, but it was a start. It meant Chaz was willing to try. Aspark of hope sprang to life, awarm, determined glow lighting a path toward the future. Maybe, just maybe, their marriage had a chance.

Shayne found Chaz sitting in the dining room, nursing a cup of coffee. Asecond cup was steaming at the place setting next to his. She slid into the chair and buried her nose in themug.

“So what are your plans for today?” he asked.

“I thought I’d figure out how to change this place into a home.”

“Any ideas?”

Her nose dug deeper into the mug. “None.”

“Don’t panic. I’m sure something will come to you.” He waited until she’d taken another couple sips of coffee before suggesting, “How about taking a day to familiarize yourself with the place? See if anything strikes your fancy. You might want to take a look at the bedrooms and choose one for Sarita.”

He’d made an excellent suggestion. “How many employees can you spare to lend a hand once I’m ready to start?”

“You can have Jumbo. He turns his hand to most anything that needs doing around here. I’m down to the bare minimum of help, right now. But we can hire in town. There’s always people looking for extra jobs before the holidays. Tell Jumbo what you want and he’ll take care of it.”

As though Chaz’s comment had summoned him, Jumbo appeared in the doorway, two steaming plates in hand. “Mornin’,” he said, greeting them with a wariness that made her smile.

They hadn’t gotten off to the best start yesterday. Perhaps she could help them do a little better today. “Boy, I’m hungry,” she announced.

Jumbo positively beamed. “Well, then, little lady. Ihave the perfect start for your day.” He slapped a heaping platter in front of her. “I have more if this isn’t enough.”

Her smile weakened at the sheer amount of food and Chaz choked back a laugh at her reaction. “Thanks. Ithink this will be plenty.”

“Don’t tease me now. This little ol’ helpin’ would hardly satisfy a gnat.”

“No, really. It’s plenty.”

He clicked his tongue. “Mojo’s gonna come out here, for sure,” he warned sorrowfully. “Hope you weren’t too partial to your wife, boss man.”

“She’s mine. I’m keeping her. And if Mojo wants to have words with me about it, I’ll be happy to oblige.”

Chaz’s spirited defense perked her right up. Dropping her napkin into her lap, she won a grin from Jumbo by seizing her fork and tackling the mountain of scrambled eggs. It wasn’t until she’d made a dent in one corner that she gave Chaz her attention again.

“I have my first request,” she informed her husband.

“Yeah? What’s that?”

“I want a dog. Abig, hungry wolf of a dog.”

His mouth eased into a broad smile. “And where would you like him, wife?”

“Right under my chair,” she replied, returning hisgrin.

“I’ll see what I can do.”

Twenty minutes later, she shoved her plate away and groaned. “I can’t eat another bite.”

“But you’re only halfway through. Mojo—”

“Mojo! And more Mojo. This is getting ridiculous.” Tossing her napkin onto the table, she stood and started for the kitchen.
