Page 26 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“Keep it up, boss man,” Penny warned. “Ride me a little harder and I’ll hightail it over to the Winston spread. That little Cami girl said I could have a job whenever I wanted.”

“Working for their foreman?” Chaz folded his arms across his chest. “Now that I’d like to see. You and Gabby couldn’t agree on the color of the sky. Hell, you’d claim a cow was a bull, just to avoid being on the same side of an argument with him.”

Shayne stifled a groan. No doubt these two could exchange insults until— Until the cows came home seemed an appropriate expression, given the circumstances. And if it avoided dealing with the individuals waiting for her husband’s attention, no doubt they’d still be standing here come Christmas. Time to take charge.

“Chaz, if you’d go talk to Mojo, I’ll speak with Donna. Penny, do you think you could bring us some coffee while we wait?”

The man took instant umbrage. “I’m no cook.”

“I’m well aware of that. But I doubt there’s a foreman alive who doesn’t make a better cup of coffee than the resident cook.”

Wicked amusement lit the old man’s expression. “Best not be sayin’ that anywhere around Mojo.”

“The Mojo who’s in the kitchen in a snit?” she asked fatalistically.

“The one and same.”

“And he is...?”

“The resident cook. Mojo, git it? More joe? Not meanin’ to point out your ignorance, but joe’s coffee, in case you was wondering.”

Great. Just great. She hadn’t spent two minutes on the premises and already she’d insulted someone. “Would you mind terribly getting the coffee since I doubt Mojo will?”

“Yes, ma‘am, Iwould mind.” Heaving a tremendous sigh, he relented. “But seein’ as how you’re new here and all, I’ll fetch some. Jes’ this once, though. Hear?”

“Thank you. That’s very sweet of you.”

Penny scowled. “Do something nice for a body and see how they repay you.” He stomped down the hallway. “Insult you, that’s what they do. Sweet. Hah!”

“I don’t think this is a very good idea,” Chaz began.

“You’ll join us as soon as you’ve spoken to Mojo, won’t you?”


She ran her hand along his arm. She’d been aiming for reassurance and came away with a sweep of desire so strong she trembled with it. How was that possible? The nine years they’d been apart should have lessened those feelings. Instead, she couldn’t look at him, couldn’t touch him, without wanting to find her way back into hisarms.

And into his heart.

“You married me to act as your wife. At least, Ithink that’s one of the reasons. Let me do my job, Chaz. Ican sit with Donna for a short time and share a cup of coffee without turning it into a disaster.”

“Don’t count on it,” he muttered.

“Either you trust me or you don’t.”

“It’s not a matter of trust.” He thrust his hand into his hair, tumbling the nut-and-wheat-colored strands into attractive disorder. “First off, her name isn’t Donna. It’s Doña Isabella. Doña Isabella Madalena Vega de la Cruz.”

Interesting. “And second?”

“And second.” He closed his eyes. “Aw, hell, Shayne.”

“She’s one of your secrets, isn’t she?”

Lines of tension bracketed his mouth, confirming her guess. “She’s part of one. Ijust don’t want her telling you something that should come from me. You don’t deserve that.”

He was protecting her! The knowledge ignited a tiny spark of hope, hope that she’d nurture with every bit of determination she possessed. “Then I’ll make sure she doesn’t tell me. Will that do?”

“I guess it’ll have to.”

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