Page 17 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“It’s not my first time.”

He bowed his head, straining for control. “I don’t know if I can— It’s been so long that—”

“I want you. Very badly.”

The urge to fill her, to take her, to make her his in the most basic way possible clawed at him. But he fought it. From somewhere he found the few remaining shreds of decency.

He touched her with exquisite care, instinctively finding the deliciously feminine spots that would give her the most intense pleasure. The sides of her breasts, the burgeoning tips, the sensitive skin at the lowest point on her belly, the backs of her knees, the upper slope of her buttocks and the creamy softness of her inner thighs. He found them all, anointed each and every one until her body wept for his possession.

And when he’d finished, he took her, filled her, rode the wildness that exploded between them. Only once before had he ever felt such divinity in an act, known such completeness in a physical joining.

Memories stormed back, memories he was helpless to rein in. They possessed him as surely as he possessed the woman beneath him. The bells from her mask pealed, as though in joyous welcome. Unable to resist, he gathered her up, sent her surging toward ecstasy. And then he followed her into that glittering realm, at one with her. At one with nature. Heart, body and soul in perfect accord.

But it was an accord not meant tobe.

From a great distance he heard the door open and harsh light impaled them. “Oh, excuse me,” a voice gasped. Ella’s voice. And then... “Oh, dear heaven. Chaz? Is that you? And... Shayne?”
