Page 12 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“Just don’t expect love?”

“Not a chance in hell.”

Her mouth drew together as she weighed his statement, gathering into an unconscious half-kiss that proved a gut-tightening temptation. If she hadn’t chosen that moment to speak, he’d have leaned down again and sampled those rosy lips to see if they tasted as luscious as they appeared.

“Why should I agree to that sort of a marriage?”

“Frankly, Ican’t think of a single damned reason.” He picked up his coffee cup and downed the contents. Studying the dregs, he considered his words. “Look, sweetheart, Icame here to find a wife.” He set the mug on the table with a finality she couldn’t mistake. “I’ve given you my reasons and I’ve been honest about what I can offer in return. Brutally honest. If what I’m selling doesn’t coincide with what you’re buying, tell me now. There’s still time to find new partners.”

She stood, as well. “I’m not interested in finding someone else.”

“You sure?” Chaz regarded her with unflinching deliberation, allowing just a hint of his annoyance to spill into his gaze. She’d pushed him as far as he intended to be pushed. If she didn’t back off soon, he’d take a walk and scout the area for an alternate bride. “I’m not in the mood for games.”

“Neither am I. In fact, Ionly have one last question.”

“And what’s that?”

“How do you feel about children?”

He took a deep breath. It was a reasonable question, all things considered. “The first thing I packed were several guarantees to avoid that particular complication.” He held up his hand before she could interrupt. “I’m not opposed to them. I’m just trying to be sensible. Let’s work out the kinks in our marriage before introducing babies into the mix.”

“But you don’t rule them out at some point in the future?”

“No.” He studied her with unrelenting intensity. “How do you feel about kids?”

“I love them.” She smiled. “If you don’t want to have any right away, I’ll be happy to adopt any of your employees’ children until you are.”

That won his approval. “Young ones are in scarce supply around the ranch. But I’ll see what I can do.”

“I’m curious.”

His mouth twisted. “Now why don’t I find that surprising?”

“I can’t imagine,” she teased.

“Go on,” he said with a sigh. “Spill it. What are you curious about?”

“How do you decide whether I’m capable of turning your house into a home? What qualifications does your wife need?”

“I think this might be a good time to take our discussion someplace more private. There’s a small balcony on one side of the garden. It’s probably off limits, but I’m willing to risk it, if you are.” He held out his hand, palm up—ahand that mirrored its owner, work-roughened and callused into painful hardness. “Would you mind if we go there?”

Shayne stilled. She remembered that balcony all too well. That's where she'd first met Chaz. He'd appeared in the garden beneath and, spying her, had done a very poor imitation of Romeo, spouting an amusing “cowboy” version of Shakespeare.

And then he'd come after her, scoffing at the circular staircase hidden behind the bushes and instead climbing the trellis adjacent to the balcony. One look into laughter-filled blue eyes set above a cocky grin and she'd been lost. He'd vaulted over the wrought-iron railing and captured her heart the same instant he'd captured herlips.

They'd talked for hours, planning a dream-life that on the stroke of midnight they'd turned into a reality by speaking vows she'd kept to thisday.

She inclined her head, ignoring the clamor of protest issued from silver-voiced bells. “The balcony sounds perfect.”

He led the way into the garden, finding the steps concealed behind the shrubbery with unerring accuracy. She preceded him without a word, afraid if she spoke, she’d give herself away. Did he even realize that behind the French doors at the top of the stairway he’d find the bedroom she’d used whenever she and Rafe visited the Montagues on business? Of course, the bed and furniture were now draped in dust covers, the room as asleep as she’d been all these years.

“Okay, Marianna. Let’s get down to specifics.”

She fought not to react to the name. It seemed such a sham coming from his lips. Worse, it brought back memories of her aunt and of Florida, memories she’d rather not have resurrected. “Go ahead.”

“I already told you I live on a ranch. It’s a fair size which means it takes up a good bit of my time.”

“So you won’t be around much?”

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