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“Why are you here?” she repeated.

“Because you needed me.”

He turned around and his gaze was so intense she about fell off her chair. Her breath caught and she couldn’t think. All she could do was nod. She had needed him. Desperately. He just didn’t know how much.

She took a few more bites of her pancake and then slid the plate away. Emotion caught in her throat. What he’d done for her…and here she was looking like death. She grew embarrassed for the state she was in. “Thank you for breakfast. Can I go take a shower, now?”

His lips lifted in that tiny smile of his. “Please do.”

She scoffed and grabbed the kitchen towel, snapping it at him. “I didn’t ask you to barge in here last night.”

He sobered. “I know.”

She couldn’t look at him anymore. Not without tears stinging her eyes. She stood and left the room without being able to say anything else.

Chapter 31

Derek cleaned up the breakfast dishes as he listened to the sound of the shower going in the other room. Nara had been in bad shape when he’d gotten there. He did see much improvement this morning. He hoped his presence had something to do with it, but was more inclined to believe she just needed someone there. Someone who cared.

The shower turned off. He finished drying the dishes and putting them in the cupboard. Then he started on the living room. Nara must have been immensely depressed. He could tell by the trash lying around. He didn’t blame her. He knew how much she wanted her dream job.

The bathroom door opened, and Nara appeared. His mouth went dry. She wore a simple t-shirt and jeans and her hair was up in a towel, but to him she looked amazing. She took the towel off her head and started drying the ends of her hair. She slowed, giving him a tentative look. “How long will you be here?”

Forever. The word just popped into his head unbidden, which was dumb. He wasn’t there forever. “How long do you need me?”

She looked at the floor. “I suppose my father told you what happened.”

He nodded. “Yeah.”

She exhaled and plopped down on the couch. “I’m ruined.”

“We can fight it,” he blurted out.

“How?” Her gaze searched his as she lowered the towel.

“I’ll hire a team of lawyers. They’ll prove your designs were stolen.”

She sighed. “I’m not sure what good that will do.”

Richard had been right. She seemed listless. Not at all the fighter he knew she was. “It will clear your name, for one thing.”

“I just don’t know what good that will do.”

Derek grew upset. He sat down next to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “Listen. Your designs were good enough that your boss took them and passed them off as designs from someone who has been in the business for years. You may not realize it, but this means you are a top designer.”

Nara blinked, the realization sinking in.

Before she could speak, he continued. “You are one of the most talented people I know. Not only are your designs good enough to steal, but your tenacity and perseverance will take you far. You just have to fight this with me.”

She hid her face in her hands. “I don’t know if I have the strength.”

An idea came to him and he shot up from the seat. “I know what you need.” He rushed to the fridge and pulled out one of the bottles of Diet Coke he’d purchased that morning. It wasn’t as cold as he was hoping, but it would do. He walked back to the couch and held it out to her. “Here.”

She looked up, her eyes widening as she saw her favorite soda. She jumped up, grabbed the soda, and threw her arms around his neck. Before he could react, she pressed her lips to his in a quick peck. “Thank you.”

His heart jumped. He had come to New York to help Nara. To give her the confidence to fight for what was hers. He had no right to claim her as his own, but right now, with her just millimeters away from him and smelling amazing, he wasn’t thinking clearly. She’d kissed him, and he needed more. He needed her. The brief contact with her lips had awakened an intense desire in him. He pushed all inhibitions away and wrapped his arms around her, pressing his lips to hers.

At first she stiffened, probably surprised by his boldness, but a fraction of a second later she relaxed and responded to the kiss. His fingers skimmed over her back. His lips caressed hers. He couldn’t believe how badly he needed this. How much he wanted her.

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