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A lump grew in her throat and she blinked, trying to process the new information. Was her father letting her out? She could divorce Derek and move back to New York now? She could get her job back. Work her way up in the company. She could get everything she wanted. Then why was her stomach sour?

Derek scrubbed a hand over his face. He had a weird expression on his face. One she couldn’t read. “Why…are you doing this?”

Her father’s face softened, and his gaze bounced between the two of them. “I hope you understand, Derek. I have to mend things with Nara. I made a mistake. I was wrong. And I need to make things right again.”

Her father was doing this to make things right between them? For the first time in her life, her father was giving her the power. Instead of forcing her to bend to his will, he was letting her go. Letting her take control of her own life. Emotion swelled in her, and she clutched the teacup to her chest. “Thank you,” she said, the words coking on their way out.

Her father stood. “I’ll let you know when the surgery is scheduled.”

Derek jumped up and walked to him. He gave him a quick hug. “I’m glad it was good news today.”

Nara joined them as they walked to the entryway. For an awkward moment she stood facing her father, before she opened her arms and gave him an embrace. Her father hugged her tightly. “I’m sorry,” he whispered. “For everything.”

Tears once again threatened to spill down her cheeks. She nodded, no words able to come out.

After he left, she walked into the kitchen with Derek and took a stool. She set her teacup down on the counter and stared at it. It looked so small. Delicate. Like she felt right now.

“You all right?” Derek asked.

She nodded, her fingers splayed on the cool marble surface. “Yes.”

“That went well, right?”

Why was he asking her? He was there. “Yes.”

“I know things aren’t all better between you, but it seemed like you got a nice start. At least you know he wants to make things right.”

She looked up at Derek and nodded again.

He took a step toward her, then hesitated. “What did you think about what he said. About releasing us from this—?”

“Marriage of inconvenience?” The words just came out before she could stop them, and she immediately felt bad when he flinched.


What was he asking? If she was happy they could divorce now and go two separate ways? How could she answer that without lying? She stared down at the teacup. They’d only been married for one week, and not even really married. But in that short time her feelings for Derek had grown. That was stupid, right? How could she admit to him that she had actually been looking forward to the next two years?

She had to answer him, though. “I’m glad,” she said, softly so the lie wouldn’t be detected. “I’ll get to move back to New York.” The empty feeling in her chest went against her words.

He smiled, but it seemed forced. “Right. You love New York.”

“It’s where all the top fashion design companies are.”

“Yes.” He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets, even though it didn’t look like they fit very well. “It is.”

“I’ve never been through a divorce before. I guess we need to contact an attorney…or something?”

“Right. I’ll get on that.”

She picked up her teacup and saucer. “Okay. I’m glad we got that worked out.”

“Do you think they’ll take you back at your old job?”

“Probably. If they haven’t filled the position yet. I’ll call Chelsea and see.” She chewed the inside of her cheek. Why did the thought of working for Chelsea again give her heartburn? Wasn’t that what she wanted?

“When do you think you’ll leave?”

His words stabbed at her heart. He wanted her gone. Of course. She was dead weight now that he didn’t have to stay married to her anymore. She tried not to let his words hurt her. “I’ll see if I can get a flight tomorrow.”
