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They entered the elevator and she pressed the button. Derek put his arm around her shoulders. It was a simple thing, but it warmed her insides. She needed that right now. She took in a deep breath. This was going to be fine, right? It was all just Derek’s imagination. They hurried back for nothing.

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped out. She scanned the sign looking for where room 350 would be found. Derek pointed. “That way.”

Nara held her breath as she entered the room. A white curtain hung down, closing off the part of the room that had the bed, so she couldn’t tell if her father was awake or not. “Dad?” she said, quietly.


He sounded sleepy, but since he answered she moved the curtain and stepped over to him. He had the thin blanket up to his chin, as if he was cold. His wrist was in a cast, stark fingers poking out from the end. Had his grey hair taken over his head in the last few days? His skin was a pasty white. His eyes widened. “What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be on your honeymoon.”

“We came home early.” Nara swallowed and tried not to look at the IV drip hooked into her father’s hand. It made him look so weak.

“Why did you do that?” His gruff voice cut through her thoughts. Even though she was a grown adult, when he spoke like that it made her feel like a child.

Derek stepped closer. The warmth of his body gave her comfort. “We wanted to check on you.”

He grunted. “I’m fine. Just a little break, that’s all.” He held up his wrist. “You shouldn’t have come.”

Nara wanted to toss something at him. She didn’t like being scolded.

“What about the white blood cell count?” Derek asked.

“It’s nothing. They want to run some tests.” Her father frowned. “You didn’t come all the way here for that, did you?”

Nara exchanged a look with Derek. He rubbed the back of his neck. “We just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”

Her father’s face finally got some color. Unfortunately, that color was purple. “You two get out of here. I don’t want to see you in here again. I’m fine. And I can’t believe you cut your trip short because of this. It’s nothing. I don’t even know what to say to you anymore. Git.” He waved his hands toward the door. “Go now. And don’t come back here.”

A flash of heat assaulted her face. “Fine. We’ll leave, Pops.” She turned on her heel and stalked out of the room.

Derek rushed to catch up to her as she walked down the hallway. “Hey, you okay?”

“No.” She seethed as she rushed past a nurse helping an elderly man walk down the hallway. That was so like her father, getting mad at her for caring. Why did she even bother? What good did it do? He was right. She should have stayed in Grand Cayman.

She got to the elevator and punched the button with her index finger. She didn’t feel like standing still, so she paced the small area. “I can’t believe him. Getting mad at us for coming? What a heartless pig.”

“Nara…” Derek’s quiet voice made her stop and look up at him. “He’s scared.”

“What do you mean, he’s scared?” She pointed toward his room. “You heard him. He just yelled at us and threw us out of his room. That’s not scared. That’s…that’s just mean.”

The elevator dinged and a set of doors opened. Luckily, no one was in there. Nara huffed and walked into the small space. Derek pushed the ground floor button, then turned to her. “Couldn’t you see his fingers trembling?”

She hadn’t noticed, to be honest. “No.”

“He gets angry when he’s upset. It’s not personal. It’s how he reacts to things.” Derek lowered his head. “I’m sorry he yelled. He’s probably trying to cope with the unknown right now.”

“Well, I’m trying not to smack him.”

Derek sighed and rubbed between his eyes. “I think he’s very frightened. He’s been acting odd lately.”

Nara held up her ring. “Really?”

Derek took her hand, and her heart started doing its crazy beat thing. “This is proof, especially. Did you stop to wonder why he’s insisting on this marriage, now of all times?”

The thought had crossed her mind, and she didn’t like it. She yanked her hand away from him. “This sham of a marriage isn’t proof that my father has cancer.”

Derek stepped back like she’d slapped him. The elevator doors opened and he turned and walked out. Guilt swept through her and she chased after him. “Wait.” She tugged on his arm until he stopped. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”

He turned to her, his gaze traveling over her face. “I know.”
