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The man chuckled. “That’s what you want?”

Nara nodded enthusiastically. This was no longer something fun to do. It was now a challenge. Get Mr. Emperor himself to go on the kiddy ride. “Yes. More than anything.”

The tourist turned back to Derek. “They let adults on there. Just do it for her.”

Derek’s cheeks turned pink. “No.”

The man waved his hand like he was quitting. “Whatever.” He began walking away, but Nara heard him mutter, “If I was with a beautiful woman, and that’s what she wanted, I’d do it.”

Nara put on a pouty face. “Please? I want to ride the Ferris wheel. Come on. You know you want to.”

Derek’s lips didn’t even pretend to lift. “I do not.”

“I dare you.”

“That won’t work.”

“Why not?”

He frowned. “Because I’m not six.”

She rolled her eyes and huffed. “Just come over there with me. I want to ask the guy running it if he’d let me on.”

“He’s going to say no.”

A plan started to form in her mind. “Are you sure about that?”

“Absolutely.” Derek folded his arms across his chest.

“Then come with me. If he says no, I’ll stop pestering you. But if he says yes, you’ll have to come on the ride with me.” She gave him her best one-eyebrow-raised look. “Unless you doubt your assessment.”

“I’m right. I know I am. Look at that thing. There are no adults on it. Only children. If I reached up I could probably touch the top of it.”

Nara snorted. He was tall, but he wasn’t that tall. “Hardly,” she said under her breath.

“It’s for kids.”

“Okay, let’s go see.” This time when Nara tugged on his arm he reluctantly followed after her.

When she approached the man at the gate, he smiled at them. The man had dark skin, and teeth so white they almost shone in the darkness. “Do your kids want to ride?”

Derek let out a small, “Ha,” and she kicked his sandal.

“We actually were wondering if it was okay if we took a ride.” Nara put on her best sweet face.

The man nodded. “Sure. That’s fine. Sometimes kids are scared to ride, and their parents go with them. You’re fine to ride with your child.”

Derek grunted. “But we don’t have kids. She means just us.”

The man did a double take, then he chuckled as he assessed the two of them. His expression seemed to imply he was looking at a couple of silly teenagers. “I suppose that would be all right.”

“What?” Derek took a step back, like he was preparing to bolt.

Oh, no. She wasn’t going to let him get away. He was doing this with her, if this was the last thing she did on earth. Nara grabbed his arm in a vice grip. “Did you hear that, honey? The man said we could ride. Isn’t that great?” She turned to the ride operator. “How much?”

“Three dollars.”

She whipped out the cash before Derek had the chance to even think about leaving her standing there by herself. “Here you go.”

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