Page 43 of Desperate

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Chapter Fourteen

“Come back here.” Rey snapped his fingers, knowing with all his Alpha arrogance that she’d listen.

She did, of course. Devin sobbed and turned around, trying to climb to her feet though she thought better of it halfway back. It wouldn’t be as far to fall if she wasn’t standing. Rey would have none of it. He hauled Devin up by her nape, forcing her to tiptoe so he could sniff her neck and chest.

“Where did he touch you?”

“He didn’t!”

“Stop lying to me.” Delivered on an earth trembling growl, Rey pulled her closer. He sniffed at her arms and hands, fingers digging into her neck . “He’s all over you!”

“I was in his car, of course it smells like him. I swear to the Gods, he didn’t touch me!” Devin remained limp, biting her tongue hard enough she tasted bitter iron to keep from making any further sound.

This was too much, too fast. There was no reason for Rey to act so aggressive over the faint scent of a Beta clinging to her. He hadn’t been nearly so possessive, even when Beau was outright touching her. Devin was struggling to connect the syrupy dots as Rey’s potent rage infected her, bitter espresso smothering her.

She was losing the battle, forget the war she fought against her body. Dazed, her hands reached for Rey, whining low in her throat when he batted her away. Devin didn’t know if the tears were from the lingering pain, or the fresh hurts Rey doled out as he twisted her this way and that.

It wasn’t fair or right! She’d felt nothing for the males she’d smelled in the warehouse last night. Not a single urge for Jackson. She lost herself in one hint of bitter earthiness. Already her legs slid against one another, seeking anything to calm the aching throb centered between them.

She wasn’t trying to remain still and quiet any longer. She snapped and growled at Rey as he deflected her advances, earning herself a light cuff to the side of her head. Still, she threaded her fingers through the silken, wavy strands of his dark hair and yanked him down to her lips. She hummed as she claimed him in a vicious kiss that smeared fresh blood over them.

Devin shrieked her surprise against full lips, nipping at them as Rey boosted her up. Guiding her legs around his hips, he yanked and pulled at his trousers. Devin trilled and twisted her hips, painting his abdomen with the sweet scent of her slick to let the nearby female she smelled through the door know that this Alpha was hers, and hers alone.

Breath trembling, Devin fell back into his waiting arms, her fingers working at the shiny buttons of his shirt. As soon as she had a glimpse of the deep amber of his skin, she licked his chest. Nuzzling him, Devin purred her delight as she swallowed him down. It took far too long to undo the rest, frustrating her. She ripped at the last of them, sending the pearlescent circles flying.


It was the other one. The one who made her body sing, even if it hurt. Icy and cruel, but he would help ease this ache. She whined, hand reaching for him. Devin trusted him to join, to do what they’d done before. Disgusting, wondrous, awful, but so very good.

Devin screamed as she soared through the air. Landing against a chair, her weight sent it toppling backwards. Landing sprawled over the carpet once more, she sobbed her frustration. Hand shoved between her thighs, she rubbed at the horrible emptiness.

They yelled, shouted. Roared at one another, but neither paid her any attention. Devin shrieked and railed, wordless as they denied her. The very real need to sate this overwhelming desire drove her to her knees. It sent her dragging herself over the carpet to the open door where a multitude of scents swirled their way into the room.

Males. Several of them.

If the Alphas wouldn’t see to her, she’d find satisfaction elsewhere. Thoughts spinning in erratic whirlwinds, Devin gained the door. A small part of her screamed at this insanity, but not loud enough. Not half as deafening as the throb of her heart or the pounding between her legs. The hallway floor was rough and gritty with filth, but she didn’t care. She growled at the shrieking female she passed, scrambling to her feet to get to the intoxicating scents of the males close by.

Reeling from one wall to the next, Devin searched them out. So close, yet too far away. Stomping her foot, tearing at her hair, she lunged through the door to the stairs. Racing down them, it wasn’t until she reached the first floor that she heard an Alpha’s roar at the top.

They wasted too much time. She’d get what she wanted. They couldn’t control her.

Bursting through the exit to the dance floor, Devin panted as she took in the men clothed in identical black. Ranged around the bar, some towards the floor, they were preparing for a busy night.

Devin thought her smile serene, but the Betas looked at her as if she was unhinged. Maybe she was, as she stole a skipping step forward, tugging the wet shirt up to her thighs. Teasing, taunting, letting her legs open for the briefest hint of her sweetness.

“That’s real cute, baby.”

Devin’s snarl cut short as something hard and heavy hit the back of her head.

Groaning, she came awake. Head pounding, limbs aching, she felt around to see what she was laying on. Oh, so soft with silken fabric. Her fingers whispered over it, a gentle sigh of luxury she’d never known. Sinking deeper into what she assumed was a bed, Devin bunched the lofty stuff and pressed it to her face. A delicate sniff proved what she’d already known. Not a single scent marred it. No males, females, no dankness or must. Just clean and fresh and… her. She was also naked, the grime of earlier washed away so every inch of her was exposed to the downy perfection.

Heavy foot falls told her that at least one of them remained. Muffled as it was, Devin figured she must be locked away behind a door. Listening to the steady pacing, she measured the anger of the Alpha she couldn’t see. Purposeful, but not the furious stalking she’d come to recognize from either. Not their intense posturing, either. It had to be Beau or Rey, though. There was no way another Alpha would leave her be, not naked and reeking of pheromones. Shifting weary bones, she struggled to bring herself upright. It took several confused moments for her to figure out she wasn’t imprisoned within a room at all. Tugging at the many layers of downy blankets and heavenly sheets, she squinted against the sudden light.

It resolved into the same dingy apartment she’d been in last night, the heavy comforters so new they hid the miasma of filth and others. It all came flooding in to assault her senses, shredding the weary calm warming her bones and clawing at fried nerves. Devin tugged the nearest drift of fabric to her face, sucking the freshness back into her lungs with panicked breaths. Beau’s cool gaze cut to her, his massive frame leaning in casual aggression against the foot of the bed. He silenced her with little more than a faint shake of his head.

Rey paced. Taking slow, deep breaths that expanded his chest to capacity and strained the faded t-shirt he now wore. His knuckles blanched around the cellphone jammed against his ear, the plastic creaking under his grip. The rough features of the man twisted in barely controlled rage though Devin still failed to smell it. True fear crawled up her spine, terror sliding through every muscle.

If she couldn’t smell his anger… She dropped the blanket from her nose, taking a cautious sniff. Eyes going wide, she realized she couldn’t smell a damned thing but unwashed bodies and mildew. Yes, other people, but not their dynamic. No soured sweetness, no tangy aftertaste from Betas taking pheromones.
