Page 36 of Desperate

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“I-I’ll go home.” She was already creeping out from under the blanket, her gaze bouncing around the room for the torn remains of her clothes. “Y-You don’t have to—”

“Sit the fuck down,” Rey yelled, appearing over her so fast Devin had no choice but to fall back into the couch one of them had placed her on.

“Apparently, Prince Charming here doesn’t like your chances in that rat hole.” Beau snorted, ambling towards a bar cart to pour himself another measure of scotch.

“Call me that one more time…”

“I can stay in Midtown Park,” Devin blurted, her voice raised though Beau had only begun to take a breath to respond.

“Why are you living in Bayside if you can stay there,” Rey asked, brows drawing down to darken his eyes to inky black.

“I… I have a friend who lives there.”

“A friend?” Beau shifted, not even coming closer, but his entire stance changed as if he was just as unhappy with her response as Rey’s bunched fists broadcast.

“She’d take me in. No problems.” If Ashley would forgive her for not calling for so long. If Devin could get the stench of male Alphas off her body. Not to mention if this was all something to do with the suppressants, if she could even be around Ashley without driving the female Alpha mad.

Rey snorted a caustic laugh, shoving Devin back into the cushions. “You don’t think it’ll work anymore than we do.”

“I still don’t see the problem with us keeping to the original plan. We’ll just use the girls as needed.” Beau gave Rey’s withering glare a shrug, his great weight settling into the chair he’d sent across the floor. “Think it through. Take it out on the girls with a real Omega right there. They’re not getting knocked up, and I’m sure as hell not at risk of claiming something that tastes like chemicals.”

“Don’t. Just… don’t.” Rey drove a furious hand through his hair, tearing at the inky locks as he settled his angry stare on Devin.

“It’s what they’re there for, Danny boy. Throw them a few bucks and you make their week.”

“I’m not a Gods damned pimp!”

“Yeah, well, I am. See it as a favor from your longtime friend.”

Devin shuddered and dragged the blanket up to her shoulders, hiding behind the thin fabric. She’d known Beau had something going on with some of the women at the club, saw the money exchanging hands, but somehow, she’d let herself pretend she wasn’t right in the thick of it all.

“It won’t work.”

Rey’s husky voice shivered over Devin’s skin, rumbling through the air to assault her senses. The way he stared left no room to deny his cold statement. True rage spilled into the deep brown of his eyes as he took a single stride towards her, his lip curling as she huddled deeper into the couch. Devin’s fear twisted through male musk and the lingering scents of their sex. Cinnamon and espresso tangled in sugary sweetness.

Dear Gods, the things she’d done…

It was hormones, the suppressants not working as they should. None of it was her fault, not really. No one had told her, no bald warnings of the perils to come. Months’ worth of danger that couldn’t be avoided. Thousands of explanations as to why things had gone so wrong since the tainted heat.

Devin realized she was ignoring the Alphas again and couldn’t be bothered to care. They would do whatever they wanted with her, no matter what she said. Her fate was in their callous hands. Letting her go wasn’t on their list of possibilities, and why should they? An Omega at their beck and call, someone to organize their books and keep them in the black. It was the stuff of fairytales.

Devin sniffed once, gathering the folds of cloth around her in a shroud as she unwound from her awkward ball. Bones creaking, she climbed from the couch and began a shuffling death march towards the one bathroom she knew of.

At least there would be hot water.

“Where the fuck—”

“I need to pee,” Devin hissed, jerking her arm away long before Rey could grab hold of her. “I want a shower.

“Calm down.” Beau’s head tipped sideways, the crack of tensed vertebrae loud in the room.

“I just want to get clean.” Wonderful. Now she was crying. Great blubbering tears burned their way down too hot cheeks, no doubt snot bubbling at her nose. Ugly crying in front of two men who couldn’t care less.

“Go!” Rey’s brows twitched at the violence of his own voice, sweeping a hand towards the bathroom. Much quieter, almost gentle, he added, “There’s some plain soap in the linen closet.”

Devin made her way to the bathroom, closing each door behind her to muffle the sounds of the Alphas. Inside the too large shower, jumping at every creak and groan, she let loose the tenuous grasp she held on her emotions. Sobbing hard enough to choke, gagging on the tears, she turned the water on full blast. Numbed by the brutal onslaught, she didn’t even feel the cold water. She didn’t notice when it warmed and became hot, turning her skin red.

Bright as a lobster, she came to a hiccupping stop with the last sliver of the soap still clutched in her fist. She’d scrubbed herself raw, nails having scraped over flesh to leave red welts and bloody pinpoints. Bruises in various stages of healing added to the colorful array of damage. Bite marks, both fresh and old, were circular badges of horror to accompany the stricken face looking back at her in the fogged mirror.

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