Page 24 of Desperate

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Feeling as if she watched it happen from somewhere far off, Devin veered around the enormous desk to hold the glass out to Rey. Eyes averted, head bowed, she made no complaint. Beau was right. Despite every struggle, each long road she’d taken to get ahead, she wound up just like every other Omega she’d pitied and despised. Subservient to an Alpha’s whim with no other choice.

Devin squeaked as thick fingers engulfed the lower half of her face, jerking her chin up. Forced to meet Rey’s gaze from mere inches away, her eyes showed too much white as she tried to look away, only to have him jerk her back into position.

“You on suppressants and birth control?”

“Yes… n-no.”

“Which is it?”

“I-I have suppressants, but not—”

“You realize you could have gotten her pregnant already?” Rey kept Devin bent close as he turned his attention to Beau, the rich ochre of his cheeks stained a dusty rose as his nostrils flared.

“I’d take care of it, don’t worry.”

The lazy drawl of Beau’s statement chilled Devin to her marrow even as an explosion of heat erupted through her chest. He meant a termination, something no Omega could put themselves through. The urge to protect and care for another life was part of their genetic makeup. Her vision tinged red, lungs working like bellows as her eyes grew wilder still at the very idea.

“Shh, none of that now,” Rey murmured, tugging Devin forward by her chin. Settling her against his thigh, he curled an arm over her waist to keep her snug against him. The barest rumble emanated from his chest as he stroked her from hip to knee. “You’re going to get on something immediately. As in today.”

“You could just not… do that.” A stupid suggestion, but one she had to make. At least she put it out there into the void, so that one day she could swear she tried to get out of it all.

“Not happening,” Beau said through a vicious snarl, heavy strides bringing him towards Devin.

“Enough!” Rey dragged in a deep breath, letting it out in a rusty sigh that hinted at a growl before tugging Devin’s chin up, forcing her to meet his eyes once again. “You’re going to do as you’re told, hear me? Your only other option is to walk out that door and never let me see your face in my club again.”

Words failed her. Her moment of truth came and went on a shuddering inhale, lost as she nodded her head within the tight confined of Rey’s grip. She understood.

“Good girl,” Rey said through a soft rumble, a rough stroke of her cheek meant to sooth the sting of where he’d pinched her jaw. “You go get that sorted out. Then you come back, and Chrissy will give you the rundown.”

“No.” Devin swallowed hard, her fingers skating down Rey’s arm as it came up to snatch her chin again. “I mean, I can’t.”

Beau’s hand closed over her throat, choking her by degrees as he jerked her head back. He tipped her over Rey’s arm, who did not appreciate the lack of attention. They pulled her in two different directions, each intent on making their opinion on her rebellion known.

“I can’t! I don’t have enough money to do all of that.” Devin wheezed around the suffocating grip and the acrid bile rising to sear the back of her throat. Somehow, admitting that was worse than the idea of them ripping her to pieces.

She almost wished she’d let them do just that.


“What happened to the money I gave you last night?”

“I need to eat.”

Beau snorted a caustic laugh, his fingers digging into Devin’s neck as he retrieved his wallet from a back pocket. Refusing to release her, he fished out a crisp hundred-dollar bill and shoved it deep into Devin’s cleavage. “That should cover it.”

“No, it won’t. You of all people should know that.” Rey shook his head, hiking Devin further up his chest to retrieve his wallet. A wad of twenty-dollar bills found their way into Devin’s pocket, Rey’s fingers biting into the soft flesh of her hip. It made an obscene bulge beneath the tight denim. More money than she’d seen in ages. “That’s an advance on your pay. You don’t get a free ride. I don’t give a damn how good you suck me off. Clear?”

“Crystal,” Devin rasped, rubbing at the red blotches encircling her throat.

All thoughts of negotiating her pay flitted away as he shoved Devin up from his lap and sent her careening through the room. Catching herself against a chair opposite the desk, she waited with bated breath to see what other demands they would make.

“Don’t take all day,” Beau said, toying with a curl that’d come loose from her bun.

Devin’s jerky nod tugged the lock free of his fingers, ripping several strands from the root. She didn’t even feel it as she rushed out of the office, not daring to let the latch click against the plate as she held the knob turned until the door was flush.

Gods, what had she gotten herself into?

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