Page 30 of Down Down Baby

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I looked up in time to see a flash of a smile before it disappeared. A knowing smile. She knew exactly where I was looking.

“Enough distractions, my love. You were gone for three weeks and two days. Two days we didn’t agree upon, and you somehow forgot how to use a cell phone in that amount of time. And also, there are two pretty big trucks out in the yard. Also, also—where did those guys go?”

“I dropped my phone off the side of the boat.” Gia leaned back against the kitchen island again and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing the sunglasses up and out of her cleavage. They looked like they’d fall with the next deep breath.

Focus, Sloane.

“You dropped your phone off the side of what boat?” Okay, the phone was gone. That was why no phone calls, but I still had questions.

“Honestly, it’s not a big deal,” she said, holding her hands up in a shrug. “I just figured since I was there already, I might as well pack everything up.” Her eyes flitted away for a moment. “I mean, why put it into storage if I was going to keep it? Why not bring it all home with me now? If I put my stuff in storage, I would just have to go back for it, and I don’t feel like making that trip again when...”

“When what?”

She took a deep breath.

“When this is permanent.”


Oh, damn. I liked the sound of that.

“And where did the owners of the trucks go?” A gnawing pit appeared in my stomach as Gia flinched.

“Uh… Well, see... I’m the owner of the trucks.”

“Come again?”

She gave me an incredulous look. “Do you know how expensive it is to move all my stuff to a tropical island? There isn’t a local moving company that handles that, you know? And forget shipping it air freight, good God.”

“So you what, you bought trucks?” What the hell were we going to do with two box trucks?

“Sure,” she said, as if I was the one talking crazy. “I hired drivers to help me get them from my apartment to port. They are huge, so I had to wait for a service ship—which runs on a different schedule than the normal transport ferry. Then, I had to hire some guys to help me get them from the service ship to here. At first, I was going to surprise you, but then everything took a lot longer to arrange than I thought it would.”

I noticed.

“I realized it was a much bigger deal than I anticipated, so I tried to call you when I was on the service ship, but then…”

“That’s when you dropped your phone off the boat?”

“Exactly. Yes. See?”

“This whole thing sounds pretty expensive.” It sounded like a nightmare.

“You can’t even imagine. You’re living with a bona fide broke bitch now. I spent almost everything I had in savings to make the move but I figured it's just money.” She grinned looking sexier than should be possible. “I’m here with you now. What else do I need?”

Here, with me.

Gia was standing in my kitchen. Correction, our kitchen. It had been three weeks and two days since I’d had my hands on her and most likely I wouldn’t last two whole minutes longer without touching her.


“Yes, Sloane?” Her eyes widened as she realized I was stalking toward her again.

“Bedroom. Now. I’ll give you a ten second head start.”

“What?” Confusion registered on her face for a moment before she squealed and ran through the kitchen, the sunglasses launching from her cleavage, clattering to the kitchen floor.

“One. Two… too late.” I caught her before she made it to the hallway, but it didn’t matter because our mouths found each other, desperate to make up for lost time.
