Page 85 of A Hero For Heather

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“Because I wanted to know. I think you needed to say it too. And it lets me know that since you told me and Zane doesn’t even know that much, that you trust me.”

“I don’t have a problem trusting you, Heather. I just don’t know if I can give you what you want or deserve.”

Which went back to him asking her those questions months ago. “You don’t know those things unless you try.”

“I’ve never tried before,” he said.

“Maybe now is the time to do it.”

“Maybe,” he said, drinking more of his beer.

“ build on that. My parents are coming in two weeks. For my birthday.”

“When is your birthday?” he asked. “Why haven’t you said anything?”

“I’m saying it now,” she said, smiling and kissing him quickly on the lips. “And it’s August tenth.”

“How old are you going to be?”

“Twenty-nine. Guess I never found out how old you were. Younger than Zane, right?”

“Thirty-two,” he said.

“When is your birthday?”

“November eighteenth.”

“So we are four years apart. Not too bad,” she said.

“Sure, not bad,” he said.

“Anyway, my parents and brothers will be here the weekend after the tenth. I didn’t want to go home. They wanted me to, but I said no.”

“How come?”

She didn’t want to tell him she didn’t want to give up time with him. He’d be working nights at that point, but she still wanted to see him. He’d be off on Friday and start Saturday night. Her family was coming Friday and maybe they could do dinner together. That was her hope.

“It’s a long drive. I’m still catching up with work. I kind of played the sympathy card about being in the car that long with my leg.”

“You’re bad,” he said.

“I am. I’d like you to meet them. I know you have to work that Saturday night, but they will be here Friday and you’re off. Maybe dinner on Friday or lunch on Saturday?”

“I can make that work if you want.”

“I wouldn’t be telling you if I didn’t want it.”

“Do they know you are even dating me?” he asked, tugging on her hair.

“Nope. So that will be a conversation I’m going to have with my mother tomorrow. Give her some time to get used to it. My brothers too. Then when they get here they are going to be wired with lots of questions. You can ignore them all.”

“If they are anything like you, I doubt it’s going to be that easy. And I did meet your parents,” he pointed out.

“But not in the same context. My brothers know about you too. So anyway, that is why this might not be too bad.”

“What would be bad?” he asked.
