Page 26 of UnderCover

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Bunny's world is turned upside down when a pandemic strikes just before her eighteenth birthday. But she's not alone during the quarantine - she's staying with her best friend and her irresistible stepbrother, Fox. Despite the risk of falling for her friend's brother, Bunny can't resist Fox's lingering touches and molten looks. And as the sneaky nights together continue, Bunny is left wondering if she's ready to cross a line that could change everything.

This is the first book in the Taboo series. It’s a trope-heavy, very dirty series of fun books sure to keep the summer extra steamy. It’s a standalone Happy Ever After with a twist on the everyday love story of a girl, a best friend’s brother, and a pandemic with a sweeter-than-chocolate cake ending. Come join my world of Taboo with Quarantine Bunny and find out how good it is to be locked down with the ones you love!

Continue reading for an except fromQuarantine Bunny

Movement out of the corner of my eye causes me to look up and realize how close Fox has come to me. I don't think he's ever stood this close to me before.

"I have a gift for you, but you’ll have to come to my room to get it." He cocks his head to indicate I should go first. His room is right across the hall from Rene's. I've never actually been in his room before. I run my sweaty palms down the sides of my shorts but there’s not enough material there to help very much.

I look at Rene but she's still with her dad. "I promise I won't bite, Bunny." When he turns to walk away I hear him whisper something that sounds like 'yet' but that's wishful thinking. It was probably closer to something else. He snags my hand and leads me out of the dining room and up the stairs.

Once we're at the top of the stairs he pulls me to him before he opens the door, throwing his arm around my shoulders. I've seen him do this to Rene a hundred times so this is no big deal. To him. To me, it is making me sweat like a sinner in church and causing my heart to beat faster than ever before. How am I supposed to act normal when he's touching me?

He pulls me inside before I can hesitate about going in. Lying on his bed is another wrapped gift. He walks over and hands it to me. I don't get a chance to tear into it before he is backing me up until the backs of my knees hit his bed and I half fall and half sit down on it. It doesn't escape my attention that I am sitting on Fox Reed's bed.

"Open it." He has the same demanding tone to his voice as he did downstairs. He's standing right in front of me and my eyes are level with the snap on his jeans. I lower my head hurriedly and shift all my attention to the box lying on my lap. When I pull off the lid I don't know what emotions come barreling through me first. I can't even make my mind function properly.

Nestled among white tissue paper is a bright red sparkly bra and what might pass for panties if you want to floss your ass with them, otherwise they are two strings and a small triangle of lace. Behind them is a beautiful silk robe that is the same color but doesn't have any of the sparkly rhinestones on it, just silk. They’re beautiful but why the hell would Rene's brother buy me something like this?

Oh my God! Did he pick up on the fact that I have a crush on him? Did I stare too long? Get too flustered talking to him? Is this a joke because he thinks my crush is funny or laughable? I look up and find that he is watching me with a slight smirk on his face. He's definitely laughing. Something must have given me away. I hop up off the bed clutching the box to me as I push past him for the door before I have to sit through the end of the joke. "I have to go!"

Are Rene and Mr. Reed in on it? No, not Mr. Reed, he wouldn't participate in anything concerning my underwear - eww!

"Bunny," his calling my name makes me pause in my flight. He comes up behind me and moves a piece of my hair off my shoulder but he doesn't just drop it. He winds it around his finger as he watches it curl around first one finger then another. "Do you like it?"

I...oh my God. I don't know what to say. I can't tell if he's being serious right now or not. I mean I can see how he might have gotten the wrong impression because I never wear bras unless I absolutely have to and maybe Rene let it slip that I have fifteen hundred pairs of plain white cotton underwear but it's still weird - isn't it?

"They're...gorgeous." His eyes come to mine and they look different. This is the guy who pulls his sister's pigtails and jumps out at us when we watch scary movies but I don't know this side of him at all.

"Bunny, one day I'm going to catch you, and when I do you won't be able to run away. What are you going to do then?" He lets me go and I take off. I rush downstairs, gift in hand, to make it somewhere loud and full of people - well, two people, which is two more than were upstairs with me and Fox.

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