Page 95 of Diamond Heart

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A stab of jealousy pierces through me, and I have to shove it away.

This isn’t me. Moping around, feeling sorry for myself. Well, okay, it’s a little me, but still, I don’t let myself get all soppy and sad over some guy.

Gareth made his choice. I made mine.

So why am I still feeling this way?

As I pour myself a second glass, the doorbell rings. I go still, surprised. It’s a little past six and we never get deliveries this time of night. Who else would show up without calling?

I walk over to the intercom. It takes a second to figure out how it works. “Uh, hello?”

“Hi, Fiona? Okay, I know this is extremely random, but we heard Gareth was out for the weekend and you might need something to do. Crap, uh, this is Brice. You know, Carmine’s wife? We met at the Oak? Kat’s here too.”

“Hi, Fiona, this wasn’t my idea,” Kat says quickly. “It’s okay if you’re busy!”

“Shush,” Brice whispers. “So, want some dinner? We brought Mexican! The good stuff.”

I blink rapidly, totally taken off-guard. But this is such a sweet gesture, and I have been feeling extremely alone. “Come on up,” I say, buzzing them in.

Brice and Kat appear in a flurry of bags. They make themselves at home, heating everything up, chatting about their husbands, treating me like we’ve known each other for years. After a little while, I even start to forget how miserable I am, and let myself enjoy their company.

“I have to ask,” Kat says, leaning toward me as we eat. She’s got her hands on her clearly pregnant belly. “Is Gareth always such a grump? He’s soseriousall the time.”

“Says the girl married to Ford,” Brice says, laughing.

“Carmine’swayworse than Ford,” Kat says defensively.

“Gareth’s not always so serious,” I say before they start bickering over which husband is grumpier. “He can be sort of funny and goofy sometimes.”

“Goofy?” Kat’s eyebrows shoot up. “I can’t picture it.”

“I couldn’t either, but then he started letting his guard down a little bit.” I smile to myself. “He’s actually pretty funny. You know, when he’s not busy glaring at everything.”

“Gareth funny,” Brice says, shaking her head. “What a world.”

Kat laughs, covering her mouth. “We shouldn’t joke. It’s not like our husbands are much better.”

“Ford’s a delight compared to Carmine.” Brice sighs, shaking her head. “The growling protective asshole bit is nice and all, but sometimes I wish he’d ease up a bit.”

“Trouble in paradise?” Kat asks, eyes wide.

“Not at all,” Brice says, grinning. “Just acknowledging that my husband is not as perfect as he thinks he is.”

“They never are,” I say, nodding.

Both girls laugh. Kat leans closer, eyes narrowed. “I heard about the job. Congrats, that was a big deal, right?”

“Yeah,” I say, nodding. I plaster a smile on my face. “Totally unexpected.”

“We heard Gareth made it happen.” Brice glances at Kat. Her tone softens. “Are you okay? With staying here?”

I blink rapidly as a lump forms in my throat. “Totally fine,” I squeak.

Brice sighs. “Oh, honey. I knew you two were getting closer, just from seeing you together at dinner, and what Carmine was saying—”

“It’s fine, all totally fine,” I say quickly. I don’t want these beautiful, sophisticated women to think I’m just some stupid little girl that falls in love with every man she meets.

Only, Gareth is different, and what we have is different. Or what wehad. I don’t know what there is between us anymore.
