Page 59 of Diamond Heart

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I hold his hair as he grabs my ass. I open my legs for him, spreading as my back leans against the wall. I stare down at him, at his gorgeous, muscular back, at his incredible face as he licks me, sucking gently, nibbling on my clit before sliding his tongue inside.

My back spasms. “God damn it,” I moan, half laughing, eyes rolling back as bliss slams into my skull. “I’m going to fucking come.”

“Then come for me,” he growls, licking me faster. “Let me taste it, my wife.”

“Fuck,” I hiss, gasping for breath, entire body so tense I think I might shatter.

He slips two fingers deep into my pussy as his tongue rolls delicious circles around my clit.

And I explode.

“Gareth,” I gasp, coming in a firestorm. It’s like every ounce of stress and anxiety I’ve been carrying on my shoulders breaks into a million pieces. I spasm, shaking, unable to stop myself, totally out of control as I come and come. He licks me, keeps his fingers inside of me, driving me wild as the orgasm speeds down my spine, into my brain, flushing my skin pink. Tingling overwhelms my vision.

I collapse down onto a bench, breathing hard. He’s still on his knees, kissing my stomach, my breasts, my inner thigh. He reaches my mouth and I hold him there, tasting his lips. Tasting myself on his tongue.

“Good girl,” he whispers, licking one finger clean. Then he makes me suck the other.

I blink rapidly, eyes blurry. “Well, fuck,” I say.

He laughs. His hands gently put my bathing suit back together. Bottoms up, top in place. Once I’m more or less decent, he turns on the shower.

“Come here,” he says.

I stand, obeying. Too lost in the post-orgasm glow to care much about anything right now.

The water’s fresh and warm. He uses some soap to lather his hands. Slowly, he cleans me, top to bottom, pausing to run his hands over my breasts, down my legs, cleaning me, lovingly and thoroughly.

I stand there, lost in the intensity of his attention.

I’ve never been touched like this before. Never been looked at, never been washed by someone before. He’s gentle, but controlling. Tells me what to do, how to move. When he’s finished, he stands, kisses me gently on the lips, lingering only a moment.

“The contract remains intact,” he says, smirking slightly. “The language specified no sex. But I never said I couldn’t make you come. I consider what we just did a loophole.”

“Thank god for lawyers,” I whisper, leaning my face against his chest.



Fiona’s taste lingers on my tongue for hours after licking her to orgasm in the outdoor shower.

Fortunately, Carson and Nolan both return to the city after the beach. They linger for a drink, tell some stories about their various exploits, then head out. “No hard feelings about earlier,” Carson says, shaking my hand. “Just testing the new lawyer, that’s all.”

“None at all,” I say, giving him a smile, while inwardly thinking about stabbing him in the throat. “You’re just trying to vet me. Totally understand. For men in your line of work, your lawyer is very important.”

“Exactly.” He laughs and heads out. Nolan gives me an apologetic smile and follows.

I almost want to thank him for turning me into a jealous prick.

Otherwise, I never would’ve gotten a taste of Fiona.

Instead, I put them out of mind. Fiona’s hanging on my arm as I sip good whiskey out on the balcony with Orin and Molly. “You know, Gareth, all this talk about family, it isn’t bullshit.” Orin watches me over his drink, eyes narrowed. “I consider everyone that works for me a part of my extended family in some small way.”

“It’s a good trait to have,” I say, nodding along. Even though it’s all total bullshit. The second the heat comes down, these guys roll on each other like construction equipment.

“What does family mean to you?” he asks, glancing at Fiona. “Are you two thinking about expanding your numbers?”

Fiona sputters. “Uh, no babies,” she says quickly. A little too quickly. I give her a look. “Not yet, anyway.”
