Page 109 of Diamond Heart

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“I don’t feel that way.” He tilts my chin toward him, staring into my eyes. “If you feel like you need to go a more traditional route, I’ll get the divorce papers drawn up and we can figure things out. But just so you know, that would be a waste of ink, because I’m not going anywhere. Whether we stay married now, or we divorce and marry later, you will be my wife.”

I blink away tears. “Quit doing that.”

“Doing what?” he asks, sounding genuinely confused.

“Saying the right thing. You keep making me cry.”

“I don’t want you to cry. I’m only saying how I feel for once in my life.”

I kiss him. I hold the kiss there, tasting him, reveling in him. “I don’t want a divorce. I want to be with you.”

“I want you to bemine. And I want to be yours.”

“You’re my husband.” I like the sound of that word,husband. “And I’m your wife.”

“There is one thing.” He takes my hand and raises it up. “We can get different rings if you want.”

I shake my head. “I love my ring.”

“Just offering. I wouldn’t be insulted if you wanted something more personal.”

“No, this one is perfect.”

“Good.” A smile slips back onto his face. “Now, I believe I want going to turn you around and fuck you from behind until I come deep between your legs.”

“Actually,” I say, pushing him ack. “I was going to ride you for ten minutes, scream your name, then pass out.”

“All right then.” He pulls me onto him, his cock already stiffening. “That’s a fair compromise.”



Isit at the bar in the Oak Club and sip a fine whiskey. It’s peaty, warm, almost sweet. I hold it up to the light and watch the gold glow.

“You guys ever think we’d end up like this?” I ask, not looking at my brothers, but knowing they’re beside me.

Evander says, “Not once. But here we are.”

“I kind of figured I’d get hitched,” Ford admits. “But I never thought I’d actually like her.”

“Same,” Carmine says and laughs. “I figured I’d get stuck with some mafia princess brat.”

“Strange, how it goes,” I say, grinning at them. “Here’s to family.”

“Here’s to that,” Evander echoes.

We toast each other. Four of the five men in the Atlas Organization. “I wish Lanzo were here,” Ford says with a sigh.

“He’ll be back,” Evander says, then hesitates and shrugs. “Or maybe not. You never know with that guy.”

“He’s going to be really surprised to hear that all four of his friends are married.” I turn to look at the nearby table where are wives are sitting. Kat and Brice. Camille and Fiona. All four of them beautiful, laughing together. Some drinking, some not.

“What made you change your mind?” Evander asks, leaning an elbow on the bar. “It seemed like you were hell-bent on moving to Boston and making a stupid mistake.”

“Priorities,” I say, tilting my head side to side. “I realized I’d end up miserable if I kept pushing forward. After a while, it just became… obvious.”

“What was obvious?” Ford asks.
