Page 85 of The SnowFang Storm

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She cocked her head proudly. “We’re headed in GranitePaw’s direction. We can go right in and tell Thessa the good news.”

“If you want a puppy to follow you home, go to the pound.”

Her hands settled on her hips. “Do you not understand what I just offered you?”

“An insult, that’s what. Your Luna invites us to abdicate our responsibilities, and she uses some no-prestige, barely-there female as her mouthpiece. After I’ve tolerated said female chastising me for the past three miles. If she really thinks so highly of us, tell her to go fetch her Alpha and come out and do her own poaching.”

Maya stammered something about the Alpha and Luna of GranitePaw being really very busy, or some such nonsense. “My mate is busy. That’s why we were guests at that party, and one of yours made my drink.”

Maya’s sunshine disappeared. “Do not insult my Alpha and Luna or my pack!”

Ooo, a threat. I loved threats. Threats were my favorite thing coming from flies that clung to walls. I advanced on her and she scuttled backwards. “What are you going to do, Maya? One word from my mother-in-law and your little party planning spy operation is done. I’m sure I could find a way to shut down Kyle’s medical practice. You think I’m exposed? I can dismantle your pack from the outside if I wanted.”

She snarled as I backed her in a tight circle.

“You foolish little puppy. Your pack built its influence in a human city using human tools. Your Alpha and Luna seem to forget when it comes to human power, they come to us.”

She barred her teeth.

I showed her my own teeth. “Makes you mad that they want to recruit us, hmm?”

“Fucking furious.”

“I don’t want to be in your concrete dog pack.”

Her temper snapped, and she shoved me with both hands, hard. “I’m warning you, Winter!”

“Aren’t you an adorable little poodle. Run along now and tell Thessa if she wants me, she needs to come to me, and that I’m not impressed with her little extended courtship. It hasn’t won my heart. This might be her city, but on the other side of those bridges? You should hear how they talk to her at the Meetings. This pack is a laughingstock. You are a joke. You tell Thessa I’m from the other side of things, and maybe you’ll lick the dirt between her toes, but I know how the sausage gets made.”

Maya’s growl vibrated low and deep in her throat.

I clicked my teeth once, then stalked back towards Hamid. “We’re done.”

“Leaving so soon?” Maya flung at me.

I laughed and flicked my hand at her. “You’ve run out of things to say. Go home, poodle. I’m bored.”

“You shouldn’t go alone, Winter. You never know what’s followed us this far.”

“Nice try, but no. I know how it works, remember?” FryerVats was dead, for now the hunt was over, and if the GranitePaw’s offer was serious, there was a hunter somewhere in the bushes watching all of us. He’d pace me home to make sure I got there. “Run home to your mistress, little lapdog. Tell her she’s going to have to get her soft city paws wet and swim across that prestige ocean to my shore. Unless they’re afraid of drowning.”

“You will regret this, Winter!”

Not a chance.

Panty Charades

Sterling] >> Bored. Amuse me.

I stretched my arms over my head and practically purred with contentment. Maya’s adorable little rage had been so entertaining. Thessa’s face must have been priceless. I’d have paid to see the GranitePaw Luna spitting like a pissed off cat.

She had seriously overplayed her hand if they thought they could threaten Sterling and I with human influence. The idea was utterly laughable. Cerys would salivate at the chance to destroy the GranitePaw’s human influence just for the pure pleasure of fucking with a high-prestige pack.

Maybe I should give it to her as a peace offering.

Winter [Sterling] >> Where are you?

[Sterling] >> Pointless meeting that doesn’t need me.
