Page 51 of The SnowFang Storm

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I froze, panting, dripping sweat.

It was night. We were in bed. Manhattan. New York. Sterling.

Not back in Montana.

Not on the plane.

The concrete awareness of Manhattan hit my skull like a hammer. The walls threatened to tilt forward and fall onto us.

Sterling’s silhouette moved in the darkness close to me. He kissed my neck, inhaled my scent. “It was a dream, Winter. It was only a dream.”

I gulped for breath. Yes, I still had lungs. I choked out his name, “Sterling.”

“I’m here,”

The soaking wet sheets entangled me like dead marsh grasses. I shivered reflexively and kicked my way free.

“It was just a dream, Winter. It was just a nightmare.”

I moaned and clutched my head. “She killed it. She threw it into a wall.”

His silhouette moved as he got out of bed.

A pounding headache chased the dream fog from my brain.

He reappeared with a glass of cold water. My hands shook so badly the water sloshed on the sweat-soaked bed linens.

I managed a few gulps and held my aching head. “I saw it again.”

“Saw what?” The click of the glass on the nightstand echoed in my skull.

“The blue necklace. The puppies.” I knew I wasn’t making any sense. The dream didn’t make sense. “She killed the brown puppy. She threw it against the wall and it was crying for me to save it and I couldn’t, I couldn’t and—”

He pulled me over to his side of the bed and held me against him. “It was a dream, Winter. Only a dream.”

He didn’t understand. I had to make him understand. “She killed the brown puppy.”

He kissed my hair. “Beautiful wolf, it was a dream.”

“What are we going to tell the pack? What are we going to tell them?”

“Nothing. We aren’t going to tell them anything. There’s nothing to tell them.”

“We’re breaking the Fifth Law.”

“We aren’t. We—”

His voice caught.

… we’re safe.

It would have been a lie.

Humanity Calls

Waking up with a headache made breakfast impossible to chew. The guilt made it impossible to swallow. But Sterling had been adamant: we weren’t telling the others anything about EarthSpine, Anais, Jerron, our mating, AmberHowl.

The less our packmates knew, the safer they’d be. But betraying them robbed me of my appetite. They thought all this had ended back at AmberHowl and the wanderers were the only thing worrying us.
