Page 32 of The SnowFang Storm

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He stroked my body, fingers sliding low, grazing the inside of my thigh as his gaze smoldered. “No, we didn’t. But with what I want to do to you next? We would.”

“Tell me.”

“Bending you over that railing.” He gestured to the railing that overlooked the floor below.

“Have you been sitting up here fantasizing about that?”

“I have been. So. We should go before my cock takes over.”

I kissed him and slid my hand down his chest, over the flat of his abdomen. His cock was more than ready to take over again.

He stopped my hand. “You will get us arrested.”

“We can make bail.” I pushed against his restraining hand.

His hand didn’t budge. “No. The fun is in not being caught. The inside of a drunk tank isn’t fun.”

“Ohhh, and here I thought the fun was—” I pushed against his hand with a sly smile. He still didn’t budge. I pouted at him. “You’re already hard again.” I nipped his ear. “Let a girl have her fun.”

“You’re going to have to control yourself about twenty minutes.” He inhaled sharply as I moved closer against him, grinding my heat against him.

“But I don’t want to.” I bit him harder. I was drunk, at the end of my rope, and more than willing to gnaw through the remainder of it. Spending the night in a drunk tank sounded fine to me if it got me what I wanted right then. “Fine, you won’t let me touch you, how about I touch myself? Why am I even asking? You like watching that. I could do it right here on your lap since you won’t—”

His kiss silenced me and his hands grabbed me, crushing me down onto him. I gasped around his tongue, then moaned.

“You need to stop.” His hands shifted on me, and I shivered with enjoyment.

“No.” I rocked away from him and shifted my weight backwards. I wasn’t wearing any panties, and he had a good view right where he was. He watched as I drew my fingers along my damp body, and then I raised my fingers to his lips, trailing my scent over his lips and dipping them between his teeth.

He stood.

“Hey!” I squawked as he scooped me into his arms, which of course flashed my bare, wet lady-parts (because my abused panties were in my purse) to pretty much anyone. “Put me down!”

“Only if you promise to behave,” he said in a raw voice.

“No.” I pouted.

“Then I will have to carry you. Over my shoulder if necessary.”

“I’m not wearing any panties,” I said, squirming in his grip. The over the shoulder sounded like it turned him on. Maybe there’d be a spanking.

“You were barely wearing any before.”

I hooked my arm around his neck and hauled myself up towards his face. “If we’re going to get arrested for indecency, let’s do it the fun way. Bend me over that railing and fuck me. Gentleman’s choice of where.”

“No. I’ve been arrested, and it is not the way to spend an evening.”

“Awwww.” I sagged back into his arms dramatically. “You are no fun.”

“You are trouble when you’re drunk,” he told me as I flopped like a limp, petulant doll in his grip.

“The best kind of trouble,” I told him. His scent, even through the swirl of the club, reached me, and he was quite drunk, quite aroused, and highly entertained. How could he be so damn sober when he was drunk?

He set me down carefully and swatted me on the rump. “Move along.”

“Pity. I’ll never look at a railing the same way again.”

A Sparkly Hunt

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