Page 145 of The SnowFang Storm

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I fought and clawed, but things weren’t quite working right, and breathing had become difficult.

A claw closed over the brown male on top of me. His head twisted to the side. A darker-than-night war-form appeared over me, his eyes emerald-amber green. The color of a snake. The claw twisted. The war-form on me jerked as the umbral male’s claws pierced both his eyes.

He grunted, belched steam in the cold air, swung his head to the right. I didn’t care. I swiped at him just as another strike from the umbral male drove claws into his eyes. I tried to flip over, but I was still in the jowls of the grey war-form holding me like I was a lunch sandwich. He tore back and I would have shrieked if I could have breathed.

The umbral male ripped out the brown male’s eyes and some of his brain, then pounced on the wolf trying to eat me.

But I couldn’t breathe.

This was bad. Very, very bad.

The rage built and seeped into my blood and tissues, knitting me back together, but taking me into the dark, primal place where two species joined.

The gray war-form howled as the dark wolf’s claws dug up through his snout. The pressure on my body eased. The pain did not.

The new wolf looked at me, eyes like sunlight shining through a snake’s scales.

I know you too… who are you?




The moon was so bright.

I staggered to my feet out of instinct, or tried to.

Not the moon. Floodlights.

Voices, shouts, boots, bodies, the smell of silver-burned flesh, blood, insides, death. So many wolves.

I looked down. My fur was stained red, and it was hard to focus my eyes to see, but I had been bitten between my lowest rib and pelvis. The wound pumped a couple of good rivers of blood, and through the haze, the pain started to come on thicker and thicker. I wouldn’t be able to hold war-form much longer.

Think, Winter. Hold another moment. You have to hold on one more moment.

Sterling. Jun— Sterling. Where was he? Sterling—

You’re going to be a corpse in about thirty seconds. Pick a form.

The shimmer rose over my skin, and the agony of twisting and moving ripped flesh made me scream. Or I might have screamed. I wasn’t sure. Maybe I just sort of gurgled. I fell onto my side in the snow, tongue between my fangs, tasting the dirt and frost.

It hurt so much to breathe. I wheezed.


I felt him, although he seemed so far away, silvery and blue like the moon. Was he injured? Was he dying? I heard him calling, felt him calling.

I was so cold, then I was warm. So very warm. I could hear Sterling, but where was he calling me from?

Where were they? Are they safe?

I have to stand up! Get up, Winter, get up!My heart fluttered in my chest as if it were a hummingbird.Little red, ruby, flying jewel,


