Page 139 of The SnowFang Storm

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Sterling removed himself to wait in the snow ten feet away and put his head on his paws, pretending not to pay attention to the silliness, but he had one ear cocked and one eye cracked.

Jun clamped down on a rear leg and tried to tear it off. Gaia! Was it his first warm prey ever? I chased him off it before he made himself sick.“You can’t eat anything in one form that might be toxic to another form and shift while digesting. You can’t miss dinner. We’ll get you another one to eat later.”

I tossed it across the snow with a flick of my jaw. Jun pounced on the rabbit. And pounced. And pounced. And tossed it in the air and ran around like a crazy thing.

I settled next to Sterling and licked his snout. “Not a wasted trinket kill.”

He rumbled agreement.

“Go teach him how to bite on the neck properly, while it still has a neck.”

A grumbly-rumble.

“Go on.”

Sterling sighed. “He doesn’t know a damn thing.”

“Our pups won’t either.” I dangled the suggestion in front of him.

He cocked an ear in my direction, smelling of intrigue. “Have you thought about it?”

I teased him with a nip on the ear.

Sterling got to his feet and chased Jun off the rabbit so he could demonstrate the proper way to bite down on the neck for a quick kill, and also where the hamstrings of the haunch were if Jun had to cripple the prey first.

Rats would teach a wolf very quickly to strike clean and hard.

Lesson completed, Sterling strode back over to me and nipped my ruff gently. I took the cue that it was time to go into the house and leave Jun with what was left of the rabbit.

“Did you like your rabbit, pretty wolf?” Sterling asked me as we showered.

“You know I did.” I ran my hand along his slick shoulder.

“I want to hear your voice say it. Technically, I did get it from the freezer case.”

“I loved my rabbit.” My eyes stung. The shower hid the rogue tears. “So did Jun. He loved it to shreds.”

He pushed a wet strand of my hair back from my brow.

“Don’t say it,” I said, throat tight.

“I won’t say it. Because I intend to be here.”

“Damn right you better be here. I can’t raise Jun alone.”

That's My Meat Pillow

Belated Solstice dinner was... an affair. The spread of food on the dining room table was immense and varied, and all of it smelled like it needed to be in my belly right then. I took my place next to Sterling, with Jun on my left and Cerys across from me. The centerpiece of it was a crispy bronzed pillow of delectable meat. “At the risk of sounding uncultured, what is that?”

“A turducken,” Cerys supplied.

Time for another ignorant question. The turducken looked and smelled delectable, just minus any bones, like it was the edible cousin of the marshmallow nanny. I had hunted all kinds of birds and never heard of a turducken. “What is a turducken?”

It was Cye who answered, and he gleefully babbled, “A deboned turkey stuffed with a deboned duck stuffed with a deboned chicken!”

“This one is stuffed with foie gras.” Cerys tapped it with her fork. “So you deboned three birds, shoved the liver of one bird into the cavity of another bird, then shoved them all into one another like nesting dolls? Then stitched it together like a giant meat pillow?” I couldn’t wrap my head around this.

Garrett grinned and held up the tines and knife. “Want some?”
