Page 109 of The SnowFang Storm

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Is this how I die?

This can’t be happening. This is madness.

Alan was going to gut his Beta like a fish, but possibly not before his Beta stabbed my body right through with one of those tree branches and left me for the scavengers. I’d hang there exactly like a scarecrow. He reeked of violence, and his pupils were tiny little pinpoints. His breathing pulsed in my face, hot and thick, like the shadowy watchers from my dream. The necklace flicked back and forth in my gray-tinged mind.

“Let her go,” Hamid demanded.

Hamid had some really terrible timing. Time to ask Case to send me a meathead with a tendency to nap on the job. If I lived long enough.

Faris laughed and turned to me. “Are you serious?”

“He doesn’t know anything. Wives of billionaires are sort of obligated to have bodyguards, and I couldn’t shake him.” I clawed at his wrists.

“Oh, so that’s why you brought him. Hiding behind him, are you?” Faris mocked me. “You think I care? I’ll kill both of you.”

“Do I look like I’m hiding to you? I’m here and you’ve got your fool hands on me.” The cold had drained all my strength and movement.

“You lied your way here.”

“No, I didn’t, and that’s what’s pissing you off. I got here by telling the truth. What do you expect from Rodero’s Chronicler-trained daughter? You think FrostFur is the only game my father’s been playing?”

Faris hissed at me. “Really. You want to talk. Fine then, let’s go have a nice long chat.”

Hamid half-stepped forward. Terry stopped him.

The last place I wanted to go was anywhere with the FrostFur. “I’m a Luna. Alan will gut you for abducting me.”

“He’ll thank me.”

Not a chance of that.

Spring’s voice still shook, “Let her go, Faris. You already put her through a door. Like it or not, she’s legally a Luna.”

Faris barred his teeth. “Maybe now the Council will listen and do something instead of throwing rank and women at Mortcombe!”

She grabbed Faris’ arm. “Stop and think! You’re ranting about the axe over our neck and you’ve just given Mortcombe an excuse to swing it!”

“Maybe that’s what it’s going to take for the Council to do something! Tell Rodero to stop playing his games and do something!” Faris shook with rage, still holding me by my abused sweater.

“You think Sterling cares about the Council?!” Spring yanked on him. “We all know he doesn’t! Everyone’s going to say you’re the one who set him off! Jared, help me!”

Jared shook his head. “He’s right, Spring. Talking hasn’t gotten us anything.”

“You’re an idiot!” Spring shouted at him. “You can’t just take her prisoner! She’s a Luna! No one on the Council will help us when Mortcombe swings his axe!”

If you want to maintain a Luna’s impassive composure, freezing cold is the way to do it. The cold gnawed mobility from my lips and cheeks. My reflexes were sludge, and the cold started to whisper about be still. My skin was cold oatmeal on my bones, my fingers useless and numb. My eyes watered from the brightness and burning cold.

Spring raged. “She’s not afraid of you! You’re just going to give Mortcombe what he wants and the Council will blame us for it! Let her go! You stupid males! You stupid, stupid males! Let her just walk away! You’re going to make things worse!”

Faris roared his frustration, jerked me forward towards him, then shoved into my sternum, launching me once more through the air.

Technically, that was letting me go.

Reactions completely dead from the cold, I hit the ice hard again, slid backwards over it and smashed into another wall of piled up snow. My bones screamed in agony. Just cold enough that every shred of pain trebled on impact. Hamid lunged through the snow towards me, and Terry bolted for the plane.

Through the burning numbness came burning pain. I coughed, my lungs inhaled, and my mind screamed get out of the snow, get out of here, get to the plane! My vision narrowed to Ben’s retreating back. I put a bare hand down on the ice, got to my knees even as every nerve and joint creaked. Run, I had to run after Terry, now, get to the plane.

“Go!” Hamid shouted. “Plane!”
