Page 63 of The Sun God

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It had been a week since Helios had asked her to make him beg, and she had. Things that Helios Andreadis couldn’t have possibly done, she had made him to do. Tutor failing cheerleaders in their dorm so they could pass their exam andnotlose his temper while doing it?Check.Mow the lawn while the boyfriends of girls at the dorm egged him and threw garbage his way?Check.Talk about the importance of being open with his feelings to one of the boys at the dorm when he had been dumped because he had been too arrogant to admit to liking the girl first (and Helios had to do it without choking)?Check.

There was nothing she had asked him to do that Helios had not done right away and had not excelled at. The problem was, she was close to begging, too. Helios hadn’t touched her or kissed her since that night as well, and she just couldn’t make herself ask him. She had her pride, too...which was why she was reduced to seducing him in the most subtle ways she could think of.

Did Helios know she was trying to seduce him? She hoped not. Surely not. If he had known, Helios’ arrogant nature would have made him smirk and crow at her weakness.


Helios got up from his crouching position at MJ’s inquiring tone. “I told you not to call me—” He almost found himself unable to speak by the time he turned fully to MJ and saw her bent over on the toilet, with her long shapely legs and practically half of her butt exposed by her tiny pair of denim shorts.

Helios breathed hard for a moment—

MJ balanced herself on the heels of her feet to peek at Helios’ expression when he stopped speaking. “President.”

Helios swiftly rearranged his facial expression to something that was more furious than tormented. “That,” he said shortly. “Don’t call me that. You know it’s not true anymore.”

She bit her lips. “That’s what I was wondering about. Are you sure you’re really okay with you not having anything to do with...bikes?” While she was immensely happy having Helios with her all the time, she couldn’t help but feel guilty as well, knowing she was taking him away from one of the few passions Helios had in his life.

But,MJ thought defensively,it wasn’t like she had asked him to do it.He had volunteered – and she had just said yes. So really, she hadn’t done anything wrong.

“Hey.” Helios was suddenly close, looming over her, a worried frown on his face. “Have you been worrying about that?”

“Nope.” But according to his fan page on Facebook, she should. There were thousands of girls who blamed her for no longer having Helios Andreadis to look forward to in underground bike races.

He snorted. “You are – and you shouldn’t be.” He bent down halfway so he could caress her cheek. “I chose you, brat. You’re my life. When I saw you flying in the air after riding the bike that one time—” The memory had him whitening, and his hand shook when he caressed her face again. “I almost died back there. I don’t want something like that to happen again.”

The emotions underlying his tone made MJ bite her lip. She still couldn’t get used to Helios revealing so much of his feelings, making her treasure every instance he opened up to her. “I’m sorry I was so stupid back then,” she whispered, knowing she had to own up to being partly to blame at least. “I was just so out of my mind about losing you and thinking about my dad that I...”

Helios cupped her face and kissed her. To hell with his plan of making MJ suffer from physical longing so that she would fall in love with him more quickly. Right now, they both needed this kiss and what she needed, he had sworn to give.

“I won’t ever make you feel like you had to earn my love again, brat. You never have to, remember that. It’s always here in my heart.”

A full second passed before MJ pulled back a little so she could look at Helios’ expression and ask, “I really love how you’re saying all these things, do you manage to say it with a completely straight face?”

Helios slammed her head back against his chest. “Shut up. And I have no fucking idea how,” he snarled in answer as color stained his cheeks. “Must be because I love you that much.”

“MJ? I was told you’re here—oh.”

MJ couldn’t get away fast enough from Helios at the sudden appearance of one of the dorm’s first-year residents.

Helios reluctantly let her go, knowing that even now MJ wasn’t completely comfortable with having other people see them together. It was another reason why he had been withholding sex. He couldn’t help but feel irritated and hurt, like a goddamn infatuated schoolboy, knowing that while MJ wanted him in the bedroom, she didn’t want to be associated with him outside it.

MJ self-consciously tucked her hair behind her ears. “Tammy, hey. What is it?”

“I was just wondering if I could have a...” She stopped, looking at Helios awkwardly.

Helios took that as a cue to move further back into the bathroom and start cleaning the toilet again.If the others at the Afxisi could see him now, Helios thought darkly. They would never let him live this down.

When Helios was gone from sight, Tanya whispered, “Can you lend me a napkin?”

“Oh. Sure.” Poking her head back into the bathroom, she hollered out to Helios, “I’ll be right back, President. I just need to get something from my room.”

“Sure – and my name isnotPresident. How many times do I have to tell you that?” he yelled back.

MJ hurried up her floor with a smile on her face.

When she reached her room, she grabbed a few extra pads from her table. On her way out, she bumped into Katya, who had a troubled expression on her face. When Katya saw her, she asked immediately, “Are you okay?”

“I am...why wouldn’t I be?” MJ asked, confused.
