Page 29 of The Sun God

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Old man?Kellion was referring to him as an old man? Helios was just one fucking year older than him. Did that make him fucking old?

“I don’t want to have my photo taken.”

“Just one, come on. Be a good sport and pose.”

“Pose?” MJ repeated blankly.

“Do anything except stand there like a zombie,” Kellion said, rolling his eyes.

Aware for some time now of the deadly glances directed his way, Yuri said solemnly, “How about sitting on my lap and pretending to be—”

Before MJ could answer, she was suddenly spun around, and she found herself facing Helios.

MJ gulped.

She gulped not because of the anger flashing in his golden eyes and not because the hard look on his face promised retribution. She gulped simply because it had beendayssince she had allowed herself to look at Helios – to really look at him and now that she did, it was like that first day all over again.

Helios’ long golden hair was tied back like usual, but for once, he wasn’t wearing his usual shirt and jeans. Instead, he wore a white blazer, a striped shirt underneath, and matching trousers. Most likely at Kellion’s insistence, since the vice president also happened to be the club’s unofficial fashion plate.

His sophisticated clothing drove home two essential facts: he was indeed the most gorgeous man in her eyes, and he would not be the kind – as Bobby put it – to “worry over” MJ.

She said a quick prayer in her mind.

Dear Lord, do not make me drool. Please Lord, do not!

Helios was still gazing at her, which made her restless. Did he know that looking at her so intensely like that caused everyone to stare at them?

Taking a deep breath, she said weakly, “Happy birthday.” She was guiltily aware of the fact that she had not greeted him the entire day. With so many people greeting him – it had not escaped her jealous heart the number of cards, flowers, and all sorts of gifts from his female admirers that had arrived since this morning – MJ knew that he probably wouldn’t have noticed that one of the volunteers in his club had failed to do so.

Instead of thanking her for the greeting then moving away, Helios said coldly, “I’d like to talk you in private.”

And then he was dragging her away with him, back into the club’s main building. She could feel everyone looking at them, but no one said a word, not one of them – not even any of the girls – tried to stop them. But then, Helios looked frighteningly intimidating right now. He might not be scowling, but the tension in his body was palpable, and it made her MJ feel nervous and tense in return.

She expected him to take her to the library, which was usually where infractions against the club’s rules were discussed, but instead he took her all the way up.

To the penthouse floor.

Where his bedroom was.

He flung the door open and pulled her inside. The door slammed shut behind them, and the next thing she knew, he had thrown her on his bed, and he was looming over her.

“You didn’t greet me the entire day.”

Her eyes widened. “Y-you know?”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” he snarled. “I know everything about you.Everything.When I’m not with you, I’m watching you. I’m obsessed with you. I want you with me all the time. Every fucking moment.”

Her head was whirling at Helios’ words. She couldn’t believe what he was saying.

“And you dare,” he said grimly, “you fucking dare to avoid me.”

“I didn’t think you’d notice.” With uncharacteristic bitterness, she said, “After all, most of the time you’re with her.” MJ’s voice cracked. “Astrid.”

Her words were entirely revealing, and it left Helios looking at her broodingly. She had been jealous. All this time, all these days she had driven him out of his mind with jealous fury, it had been the same for her. She was jealous. Did that mean she no longer liked her secret crush? No longer liked...Yuri?

Looking at her with hooded eyes, Helios finally started to notice the little things about her that changed. The hurt in her gaze that she tried to hide, the dark bags under her eyes that testified to sleepless nights, the wary note in her voice, and the trembling of her body, the effect of his closeness to her...even though she had tried hard to pretend she was indifferent to him.

“Astrid is nothing for you to be concerned of,” he said roughly. His body was beginning to stir. He tried to control it, but his cock was already erect and trying to burst out of his trousers. No surprise there when it was always how he felt when thinking about MJ.
