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“Are you ready to go home, Dr. Kind?” Georgia hooked her arm around me.

“I’m more than ready, babe.”

* * *

One Month Later

Our family stood and watched as Ian’s casket was lowered into the ground. Sam had a tight grip on Aunt Barb as she let the tears flow freely. Shortly after his release from the hospital, he developed respiratory complications that sent him back into the hospital. He was there for two days before he passed. We buried him in his rightful place next to his brothers at the cemetery where we all would be buried one day.

“He’s reunited with his brothers.” I placed my hand on Grayson’s back.

“I know, and that’s how he would have wanted it.”

“I can’t believe he’s gone,” Gabriel spoke. “After the luncheon, we need to say goodbye and catch a flight to Hawaii to take care of our father’s financials.”

“Then you’re heading back to Boston?” I asked.

“Yeah. But we’ll see you all again at your wedding.” Grayson smiled.

Sebastian closed down Four Kinds for the afternoon, and we all gathered for the luncheon.

“Jamieson.” I walked over when I saw him walk through the door.

“Jackson, how are you?” He hugged me.

“I’m okay. Thanks for coming. I saw you at the funeral but didn’t get a chance to come up to you.”

“Grace sends her apologies that she couldn’t come. The hospital paged her just as we were heading out the door.”

“I know how that is.” I sighed.

“Where is your Aunt Barb? I want to give her my condolences.”

“She’s over there.” I pointed toward the bar.

“That was nice of Jamieson to come,” Georgia spoke as she walked over to me.

“Yeah. He’s a great guy.”

“We’re heading out now,” Grayson and Gabriel walked over.

I gave them each a hug. “Don’t be a stranger. You have an entire family here who wants to see you.”

“We won’t.” Grayson smiled.

“We have all of your phone numbers, so we’ll keep in touch,” Gabriel said.

“Plus, we’ll Facetime. Dr. Ella Kind ordered me to Facetime her the next time a trauma comes in.”

I chuckled as I shook my head. “Did you get a chance to say goodbye to everyone?”

“Yeah. We all said our goodbyes,” Gabriel said.

“Okay. Have a safe flight, and if you need anything at all, call me. I can be in Boston in a flash.” I smiled.

“Thanks, Jackson. We will.” Grayson smiled as he patted my back, and he and his brother walked out of the restaurant.

