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“How?” Sebastian asked.

“I don’t know. He didn’t say, and I didn’t ask. They have no family besides each other. His father was an only child. He and his brother graduated from Harvard, and Grayson is in the last year of his trauma fellowship.”

“Good news,” Simon said as he took a sip of his beer.

“What’s good news, bro?” Shaun asked.

“That their father is an only child. I was seriously very worried for a minute.”

“From what I can tell, Grayson seems like a great guy. His brother seemed nice the thirty seconds I spoke with him,” I said. “I told Grayson if they’re ever in L.A. to call me, and we’ll have them over.”

“Nah. That’s too weird,” Simon said.

“Why is that weird?” Sam asked.

“They have the same last name as us. It’s just weird.”

“You’re really fucked up.” Sebastian furrowed his brows at him, and we all laughed. “Anyway, mark your calendars because you’re all coming to the Kind Brewhouse two weeks from tomorrow for one big party.” A grin crossed Sebastian’s lips.

“I can’t wait, cousin.” I held up my beer bottle to him.

“Damn. We’ve got some busy weekends coming up,” Conner said. “Next weekend is the gender reveal party for Nathan and Sofia, Ella’s recital, and the Brewhouse is opening. Am I forgetting anything?”

“I’m sure you are, bro.” I patted his shoulder. “Trust me. The girls have our weekends booked until next year.” I chuckled.

“Yeah. No shit. We all need to go up to the cabin before Nathan’s kid is born and before Jackson gets married. Just us guys for a guy’s weekend.”

“Sounds good to me,” Stefan said.

“Let me know in advance so I can make sure I’m not on call that weekend,” Christian spoke.

* * *

“Uncle Jackson, look!” Ella ran up to me when I stepped through the sliding door.

“Wow. Look at you, Dr. Kind.” I smiled as I stared at her in her light pink scrubs.

“Charleigh bought them for me. She has the same color, and now we match.”

“You look ready for surgery.” I patted her head.

“Go get your tennis shoes on, Ella,” Nathan said.

“You okay?” I asked Nathan.

“Yeah. Just so you know, I had June clear my morning schedule. I’ll be up in the operating suite watching.”

“Okay. If it makes you feel better.” I placed my hand on his shoulder. “Is Sofia still sleeping?”

“Nope. I’m right here.” She walked into the kitchen. “Good morning, Jackson.” She kissed my cheek.

“Good morning.”

“Babe, I told you to go back to sleep.”

“I tried. I can’t sleep.”

“You’re more than welcome to come to the hospital and watch the surgery,” I said.

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