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His hands were hot on my skin, and mine were buried in his gorgeous, thick hair.

“People always have sex in the sacred lands after they become mates,” I breathed to him, as his lips and tongue trailed hotly down my throat. “It’s a tradition.”

“Don’t care. I’d have you naked beneath me on this mountain even if it wasn’t,” he growled at me, his hands working my breasts free from my dress. When his lips wrapped around one of my nipples, my back arched and I cried out, tugging my dress up out of his way and saying into his mind,

“I want you inside me, now.”

His erection filled me a breath later, and his hand left my breast, sliding up to my throat.

When his fingers brushed the markings there, my whole fucking body constricted.

I grabbed the back of his neck as the pleasure shattered me so completely, my hands kissing his markings too, and he lost control with a snarl as he pumped into me.

I swear our souls and magic intertwined even further than they had the first time when we orgasmed together, and as I stared up into the gorgeous eyes of my mate, a simple, soft feeling settled into my chest.

I’d found my home, and I was never letting go.

We madeour way back to the coast slowly, stopping in a few towns to pick up some clothing for me, to eat some of the delicacies I hadn’t had since I was a child, and to make love whenever we felt like it. I collected many cuttings from plants I wanted to grow back in the Night Court—two of which were known to suppress fertility. Laith and I were nowhere near ready to have a child of our own, and we would both be taking those herbs for many years to come.

I expected to feel some sadness when we said goodbye to my land, but with the wind blowing through my hair and the peace settled deep within my bones, I felt nothing but happiness.

This time, leaving was my choice.

And I wasn’t being stolen away to an unknown world; I was returning to the land that held my sisters, the one where my mate and I could both access the fullness of our magic. The land’s approval was thick in my veins as we sailed away, and Laith’s relief was as well.

We hadn’t spoken about our future, but as we slipped back into our room that first night, we both knew that was the conversation coming our way.

Laith peeled my light purple dress off of me as I looked around our small, familiar cabin. It was nothing much, but I wasn’t someone who required luxuries to be happy.

“So,” I murmured, as I slipped beneath the blankets of our bed. He was stepping out of his pants, leaving his underwear on.

“So.” A small smile tugged at one corner of his lips as he slid onto the bed beside me.

I leaned against his side, and his arm draped over my shoulders.

“What are we going to do about our future?” I asked him. “You spoke of an inn.”

“I did.” His fingers trailed up and down my arm. “I don’t want to live too close to my brothers, but I want us close enough that you can see your sisters any time you’d like.”

I let out a teasing laugh. “Guess Espen’s castle is out of the question, then.”

Laith chuckled, the sound making my toes curl with happiness.

No one had ever been as lucky as I was; of that, I was certain.

“There’s a town an hour outside the city without an inn of its own. We could build there. You could cook…” he trailed off, shrugging lightly. “As long as you’re beside me, and happy, I don’t particularly care, to be honest. I’ll find something to occupy my time with.”

I bit my lip. “What about a restaurant?”

Laith’s body stilled slightly.

He hadn’t considered the idea; I could tell.

But he loved cooking, and he was really good at it. One glance at his kitchen would prove that to just about anyone. Sometimes shitty memories hit him while he was cooking, but I knew that didn’t happen often.

“I could grow herbs, and help you with the food. You would probably have to lock your salt grinder away from me if you didn’t want me to over-season things, but it could be nice. Peaceful. Fun, even.”

“You are brilliant, Lemay.” His voice was soft, and he tugged me closer to his chest. I wrapped my arm around him, giving him a side-hug as he held me to him. “I’ll need to consider it more, but a restaurant sounds…” he trailed off.
