Page 18 of Toxic Glory

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I fucking love that she’s so willing to help, but this is my battle to fight. I promised her an enjoyable trip to my home, not a spar with my psychotic father. Turning my head, I press her hand to my lips, running my tongue along the vein that stretches from her ring finger to her wrist.

She shudders in my grip, and a small smirk twists my lips.

“Youdon’t have to do anything, sweetheart.” Her smile falls at my words, even as her eyes are glued to the movement of my mouth. “Ingrid will show you to a room where you can rest while I talk to my father. Then I’ll take you to the doctor and we’ll head to the penthouse in the city.”

Alize nods, and there’s a flash of tenderness in her eyes.

“Please be safe,” she says. “Don’t do anything stupid to get yourself hurt.”

I chuckle. “Where did this come from?” She rolls her eyes. “You care about my safety now?”

She picks a cherry tomato from her plate and tosses it at me. “I’vealwayscared about your safety.”

“I have a scar on my chest that proves otherwise.”

The disdain on her face makes me laugh, and the feeling is refreshing. It’s what makes Alize so different, so special, somine.No matter what happens, she’ll always be able to make me feel better, to calm the storm inside me, to make me feel how simple life can truly be. I only need her to be happy.

“You know what I mean,” she hisses, swatting me away. She tries to pull her hand away but I don’t let her. Instead, I press my lips to the pulse pounding beneath the skin of her wrist. “I never really had to worry back on campus because, well…you were more dangerous than everyone else.”

“So, you’re calling me weak, now?”

“Oh, fuck off.” She flicks the side of my head with her index finger. “You’re not weak. But you’re outnumbered. I don’t want to lose you.” Tears appear in the corners of her eyes and I realise she’s being much more serious than I am. “I can’t lose you right now, Alex. I need you to understand that.”

Tears roll down her cheeks. I freeze for a moment, and that’s all the opportunity she needs to wrench her hand from me and use it to cover her face. Quickly, I slip into the seat beside her.

“Hey, look at me.” She’s so stubborn I have to hold the sides of her head to get her to obey. She glares at me even though her eyes are pink from tears. I wipe them away with my thumb. “You don’t need to worry. I’ll be safe, I promise. You’re not ever going to lose me, sweetheart.” I smile and she mirrors it, albeit a small one. “I plan to raise hell in your life until we’re old, and fucking grey.”

She sniffles. “How old?”

“So old that we’ll be chasing each other around the house in our motor scooters.”

Alize laughs then, and it’s a genuine laugh that makes my heart swell. She crumples against my chest and I wrap my arms around her, kissing her hair.

“You promise?” Her voice is soft and delicate, and she makes a little mewl that shoots straight to my cock.

“I promise, sweetheart.”



Alexand I part ways in the hallway adjoining the kitchen.

He leaves me in the care of Ingrid and Wesley while he goes to see his father alone. Ingrid links our arms together, pulling me toward the huge spiral staircase in the foyer. Wesley is a few paces behind us, but I keep craning my neck to watch Alexander’s retreating form.

His steps are purposeful, his head held high. He looks like a man on a mission, and that both thrills me and scares me at the same time. I’ve only been in this house for an hour at most, but I can already feel the darkness throbbing beneath the veneer of wealth and beauty.

I don’t want us to be apart.

“Shouldn’t you go with him?” I ask Wesley when Alexander disappears from my view. He’s his head of security after all, shouldn’t he be protecting him?

Wesley shrugs, giving me a tense smile. He doesn’t respond. What would he even say? In any other situation, an adult son having a conversation with his father about where he and his fiancée will spend the night wouldn’t be a big deal. But nothing about any of this is normal.

Why would Alex’s father want him to be back herewith me? It makes no sense, and the longer I think about it, the wilder my thoughts get. I need to get a handle on them. I’ve already cried twice in as many hours, for no good reason too. It’s fucking annoying.

And it could be pregnancy hormones.

Oh, I’ve got a mountain of problems, don’t I?

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