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“I’m being honest. You need to fucking hear this, Brice. You think the Panagos don’t do that shit to women? They do fuckingworse.” He glares at me, seething. “You will pack your things. You will come with me. And I’m not standing here and arguing anymore.” He throws back his wine, finishing it off, and holds the glass so hard I’m afraid it might crack.

I sit there and stare at him. Anger rolls through me. What did I expect would happen when I called him? I don’t know, maybe I wanted him to make me feel better, to reassure to me, to do something to keep me safe—something that didn’t involve dragging me to his hotel. Instead, he’s being a demanding prick like always, and I’m left running after him, obeying all his orders because this mafia Don jerk is used to getting his way. He hasn’t asked if I’m okay or really shown any interest in my emotional state; the only thing he’s doing is glaring and barking orders and acting like the world’s about to end.

I’m already sick of being his wife, and we’re not even married.

“Sweetie,” Cassidy says and puts a hand on my shoulder. “I think you should go.”

“You’re both coming,” he says sharply.

I blink at him in surprise. “Why her? They don’t want her.”

“I’m not about to let them use her as leverage against you. I’ll pay for the rooms.” He turns away and walks to the door. “Ten minutes. Pack up. Then we’re going.”

“How long are we staying?” I ask.

“You and I will stay tonight and move into the house tomorrow,” he says. “Cassidy, you can come back here whenever you feel comfortable, but I recommend staying in the hotel for as long as you can. I’ll be happy to pay for it.”

“Sure, Carmine,” she says and slowly gets up. “Can’t turn down a free room.”

I stare at her, not believing any of this. “You’re seriously going to the hotel with him?”

“Sweetie, if he says it’s safer there, maybe we should listen. I feel like he knows more about this stuff than we do.”

“All because some guy knocked? We’re leaving early and going to a hotel withhim?”

“You say that like he’s a stranger. Brice, we’re going to a hotel with your fiancé, and you’re the one that called him, remember?”

I grind my jaw. I know she’s right. This isn’t that crazy—Carmine’s just doing what he thinks is right. He’s trying to keep me safe and I have to respect that.

But it’s the way he came in here making demands and not asking questions that’s driving me crazy. I wanted his comfort and his strength but now I’m regretting it, because all that comes with strings attached. If he says jump then I’d better jump or he’s going to growl at me until I do what he wants.

In the end though, we get packed. I want to complain more but it’s stupid and selfish. Cassidy wants to go and I should think more about what it’ll take to be safe than about pissing off my future husband. On the way out, Carmine lingers behind and I stay at his shoulder as Cassidy walks ahead.

“You’ll be in my room,” he says quietly.

I glare up at him. “What happened toroomsplural?”

“I decided you’ll be safer with me.”


“Why do you insist on arguing about everything? This isn’t because I enjoy your fucking sparkling presence. You’re a nag and a neat freak and you make my life goddamn difficult with your straight back and your prim little mouth. Have you ever cursed in your life? Don’t answer that, I bet you can’t even say the wordfuck. Your house looks like a museum, did you know that? I can’t imagine what my life’s going to be like with you following me around.”

“Thanks, you’re really winning me over, you brainless jerk.” My cheeks flush red with anger. “And I can curse. You—You—Youfucking asshole.” I immediately cover my mouth and hate myself for stopping to his level, but his grins at me like he enjoyed that little outburst.

“Nag and freak or not, you’re still going to be my wife.” He grabs my arm and holds tightly. Not painfully, but sharp enough that I know he has me. His dark eyes stare into mine and there’s a strange depth to him, one I’ve never seen before, like an emotion sparkles beneath the surface of him and wants to get out, but doesn’t know how. “And I will make sure you’re safe no matter what, even if you complain until my ears burst.”

I’m tempted to fight but it’s the look in his eye that makes me cut myself off. He’s right—I’m being stupid right now.

The hotel is the safest. And his room is the safest of all.

But why am I so nervous to be so close to him?



We spend a restless night in a king bed together. I barely get any sleep and pass most of time staring at the ceiling, listening to him breathe, wondering if he’s awake and doing the same thing. He doesn’t try to touch me even though some stupid part of me wants him to reach across the sheets and dig his fingers into my thigh. Maybe if I gave in to this stupid desire and kissed him then I could get some sleep. Maybe we could ease this tension and get it over with.
