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I couldnothandle everything. I was wrong, so wrong. As I stared at Adam’s bare chest and inhaled the scent he knew had always driven me mad, I felt like screaming out a mayday and getting the hell out of there. Too bad I was a businesswoman and all that.



Itoccurredtome,when Adam was standing in front of me with a curtain wrapped around his waist, that the last time I’d seen him naked, I’d done things to his naked body. It was a terrible thought to have just before I got busy with my wax, but I couldn’t help thinking about it. And once I was thinking about it, my body started responding. It was an avalanche-style sabotage from my own brain. How was I supposed to stare at Adam’s penis and sculpt it when I was drooling and fighting the urge to hump his leg?

Adam seemed great. He was all smiles as he stood completely naked with his back to a crowd of women. His honey-colored eyes never left my face as I settled in my chair in front of him and attempted to get comfortable.

I used my phone to play music over the small speaker next to me. Unfortunately, my playlist had been picked as a joke. The music was all sexual, and I didn’t have time to fix it. I met Adam’s eyes and winced as a song about bumping and grinding came on. The women in the crowd cheered, and I mouthed an apology to him.

“Okay, ladies. This is Adam. He’s standing in for the original guy who canceled on me, and this is not his normal gig, so be nice.” I looked out at the crowd and saw Jayden and Ian standing at the very back, both looking like bodyguards as they stood with their arms crossed and their stances wide. “We’re going to get started now, so…”

“So now I lose my decency and flash ass to a crowd of randy women. No problem.” Adam inhaled before dropping the material.

I held his gaze as the crowd cheered. He was completely facing me, and there was no one to the sides of my booth, so I was the only person being given the full frontal. I kept my eyes on his and fought the instinct to look down.

“You’re going to have to meet its eye at some point, honey! You lucky bitch!” Mavis always acted three sheets to the wind, but she was in an especially fine form right then.

“I suddenly want to leave my job at the bank and take up candle making. No one told me there would be men like this.” Maxine Gorman, the same woman who’d laughed in my face when I went to her about a loan earlier in the year, seemed a lot friendlier when a naked male ass was in her face.

Focusing, I pulled on my gloves and scooped out a chunk of wax. I dropped it on the smooth worktop I’d brought from home and finally met its eye, as Mavis had so delicately put it. The sound I made in response to looking at Adam’s penis for the first time in five years was shameful. A quiet swear, paired with a throaty groan, neither of which were quiet enough to go unnoticed.

Everyone laughed, and when I grabbed a second handful of wax out, stacking it on top of the other pile, they turned truly unruly. There was hyena-like laughing and knee-slapping. Adam flashed a grin at the crowd and gave a playful shrug, encouraging them.

I nodded to myself as I did my best to regain my composure. “Okay. Just get a little more wax here…”

Jenny even turned into a frat brother in the face of a bare ass and the suggestion of a big dick. “I’m buying that candle!”

Without thinking of the implication, I waved her off. “This one is for my personal collection.”

Of course, the women all howled with laughter and I was left stumbling out nonsensical words, trying to explain that I hadn’t meant it like they were taking it. It was useless, though, so I just gave up. I exhaled and turned the music up slightly so I could tune them out. Maybe it wasn’t great for crowd interaction, but I wasn’t sure I could speak, much less interact with anyone with Adam’s penis a few feet from my face.

With a shaky focus, I got to work giving shape to the general length and width. Staring at Adam that way, running my hands over the hot, moldable wax, was slowly killing me. I’d gone past embarrassment and settled somewhere much farther than that, but the longer I stroked the wax and stared at the veins on his beautiful dick, the more that shame turned into something else, something dirtier.

I forgot about the crowd watching as I worked both hands up and down the waxy shaft, shaping it into a perfect replica. Shifting in my chair, I bit my lip hard and let out a breathy hum under the sound of the music. I was turned on and it was so inappropriate, but I couldn’t stop it. The more I thought about the reasons it was wrong to be turned on, the more I had to press my thighs together to get any kind of relief.

Adam made a pained sound, and when I lifted my eyes to his, I could see him staring at my chest. I didn’t need to look to know my nipples were hard. His eyes swept over my body, and he did nothing to hide the hunger that was so blatantly on display. When I dropped my gaze back to his shaft, I squeezed my wax shaft a little too hard and the top popped right off.

I tore my eyes away from Adam’sharddick to stumble through grabbing the wax tip and putting it back on. “Accidents happen. Nothing to see here.”

I couldn’t even tell if anyone was laughing over the sound of my racing heart as I looked back to Adam and saw him squeezing his eyes shut. I had to hurry the hell up, for both of our sakes. “Just a bit longer.”

His eyes flashed open and scorched me with their intensity. “Do your thing. I’m fine.”

“I’m not sure I am.” I wiped my forehead with the back of my wrist and pulled off my gloves so I could do the more detailed work. Leaning closer to get every vein was excessive, but I was a deviant. Obviously. There was no other explanation for my body’s reaction.

Adam’s breathing was harsh when I drew closer, and I was once again a monster for reveling in it. By the time I finished, both Adam and I sounded like we’d run a race, and I was sweating like it, too. Standing tall and proud in front of me, though, was an exact replica of Adam’s dick. Staring at it, I felt an insane jolt of jealousy that other women were seeing it. It made no sense, but I wanted to hide it away.

I flashed a strained smile up at Adam and bent down to help him get the curtain. “All done.”

He wrapped the material around his waist and gripped my wrist. “It’s been too long, little rabbit.”

My breath rushed out in a strangled mess at the nickname. The reason he’d called me that had always embarrassed me, but after the way I’d just felt while sitting in a room full of people, it had never felt truer.

I turned to face the crowd for the first time in so long, I wasn’t sure what to expect. When I saw the women all staring at Adam and me with rapt attention, I awkwardly cleared my throat and turned the music off. My face and body felt like they were on fire as I spoke. “So, that’s how I sculpt my candles…”

“Where’s the wick?”
