Page 47 of The Art of Kissing

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“School’s canceled. Snow day,” Jax tells me as he sets his phone down on his lap.

“Does that happen a lot here?” I ask.

He shakes his head. “No, not really. We get a lot of snow, but everyone here is used to it, so it’s not a big deal.”

“Which makes it weird that there is a snow day,” Hunter mumbles as he looks at Zay. “What do you make of it?”

Zay taps his fingers against the armrest again. “If I had to guess, I think someone probably bribed the school administration to get a snow day. Either that, or someone just wanted a day off.”

“If it was a payoff, we probably need to be careful,” Hunter wavers. “Although, it does give us more time to get shit done.”

“True,” Zay agrees, briefly sliding his gaze to me before looking back at Hunter. “We should come up with a plan. But first, we need to go take care of the bird so our neighbors don’t freak the hell out in the morning.” He gets up. So do Jax and Hunter.

“What do you want to do with it?” Hunter asks, reaching for his hoodie that’s draped across the back of a nearby chair.

My heart is pounding in my chest as that memory swirls in my mind again.

Are the three guys them?

Do they know I’m her?

Who are they?

Who am I?

What’s up with the dead bird?

Does Porter know something about my past? Or was it coincidental that he killed the raven?

“We should bury it,” I say, looking directly at Zay, measuring his reaction, “so it can rest in peace when it goes to the afterlife.”

I swear I see it.


But why isn’t he saying anything?

He just shrugs and says, “If that’s what you want to do. Personally, I don’t believe in the afterlife.” He then walks away without giving me a full answer.

I make a vow to get those answers, even if it means I have to risk everything and go talk to Porter, because I have this feeling that he might know something about my past. And the more I remember, the more I’m starting to realize that this may not have been the first time I’ve lived in Honeyton. I need to find out why I can’t fully remember, though.

What I really want to know is if any of the guys know about this past locked in my mind. And if they don’t, why can’t they remember, either? And if they do, then why the hell are they keeping it from me?
