Page 72 of Half Truths: Then

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“Thank you.”

“When you’re ready, call me mom.” Bending over, she kisses my cheek. Her words spoken low, so only I hear. “I’ve always seen you as mine.”

With that, she gets up and leaves while my mate enters the room. Xadiel walks up to me, his strides powerful and determined. “Talk to me, Little Moon. Your emotions are going from one extreme to the other, and I hate to see you like this. If you want to postpone the luna ceremony until—”

“I’m ready.”

“Are you sure?” he asks, tugging me up and then encircling me in his arms before lifting. Nose to nose. Lips hovering. “We can wait until Gabriella returns.”

“Are you getting cold paws, my king?” My own hands pet him while smiling, fingers running from his shoulder blades to collarbones, then back again. I’m admiring the muscles there. Loving how strong he is. “Need time to think—”

I’m silenced by a sharp nip to my bottom lip. “Never.”

“Then let’s get semi-hitched.”

His amusement is clear, eyes crinkling at bit at the corners. “Semi?”

“I want a full wedding when she’s back, Alpha. I need my family there for me.”

“Then so it shall be.”

“Thank you.”

“Never thank me for taking care of what is mine.” Adjusting his grip, I’m shifted, and then kissed. This one is long and sweet, all his love for me pouring into every swipe of his tongue and the sting of his canines. They’ve dropped, and I lick the right one and then left, giggling when he shivers. “Bad girl.” His voice is husky, his intent clear, but then we both hear Eda and he groans.

Xadiel, we’re ready. Don’t make me come get you.


His smirk is dangerous as is his scent. Headier. “It’s a date.”

With that, I’m carried out onto the open field where our people are waiting. Many are in wolf form, bowing their heads as we pass. His father and mother are standing at the front, the full moon gracing us with her love, while I take my place beside his on the raised platform.

An older wolf greets us, baring his neck while sharing words with the crowd. I pay no mind to him, not when my mate’s wolf comes forward and the swirl of black becomes more pronounced. His soul—the beast is calling to me—and I drop to my knees before him.

I’m offering him my loyalty and love as he did for me a year ago.

I’m offering my blood as signature to our union.

My wolf purrs at the symbolism and he meets me on the dais floor. Even like this, he’s so much bigger than I am, but to him we’re equals. I’m just as important and he respects my thoughts—my need for privacy. My alpha accepts me as I am.

I love you with every fiber of my being, my wolf.

He smiles for me then. The one only meant for me.

As I love you, Little Moon.

I don’t notice when the blessed blades slides across my hand or the moment, he cuts his, but when our palms press together, I’m blanketed by his love. If I thought our connection was strong after his bite and I accepted him as mine; I was wrong. This, our blood intertwining, is everything because Xadiel’s looking at me with understanding—a renewed possessiveness that sends shivers down my spine and wetness pools between my thighs.

“I remember you, Isabella. I remember my promise to your father.”


A Hundred Years Later…

My Dearest Werewolf,

If you’re reading this, I am gone and it will be some time before we’re reunited.

Please trust in me that I’ll return to you, that my love for you knows no bounds, and I will move heaven and earth to always make it so. King Larue is after me. The threats have risen in the last few months, and I accept it’s my turn to sacrifice.

There is no other choice for us. Not if our future is to be bright.

You are my heart, Xadiel.

My reason for getting up each morning, and so is our future pup. I’ve seen him many times, my love. He will be strong, a warrior like you, but to save him I must first play a role.

Yours always,

Little Moon.

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